Early Lazy Morning

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Ranboo's pov:
I woke up to rain pattering against my room windows.The rain made me cold as i struggle to find warmth.
Y/n:Boo your shaking are you cold?
I nod at this.I then realized that Y/n was awake on their phone.
Y/n:Come here
They open their arms as I roll over.I stop shaking finally finding warmth in my cold room.I feel like i can fall asleep again
Ranboo:What time is it?
I hum as a response
Y/n:aww is Boo still sleepy
I nod.They run their hand through my hair.Their touch is gentle and could put anyone to sleep.They pull the blanket over my shoulder and wrap an arm around my waist.I interlock our fingers and kiss their hand.
Y/n:so what does the great Boo have in store today
Ranboo:m'don know
Y/n:i'm sure we'll come up with something later on
I hear my phone ding and the familiar discord call sound is heard.I watch Y/n take my phone and answer it
Y/n:hey Toms
Tommy:Hey Y/n
I shake their hand as a signal as i want to say hi
Y/n:Ranboo wants to say Hi
He points the phone down and i could see my face in the camera.I wave lazily
Ranboo:hi Tommy
Tommy:hey bossman
Y/n:What do you need?
Tommy:nothing just missing you guys Tubbo won't shut up about how he doesn't have someone to make him pasta
Y/n:Tell him to fuck off
Tommy:i did he just keeps coming back i honestly regret giving him a spare key to the house
Y/n:i told you not to but overall he is our best friend and we care about him
Tommy:yea speaking of the devil here he is
Tubbo:HEY Y/N
Y/n:Hey Tubs how are ya
Tubbo:I'm suffering nobody will make me pasta and i can't cook
Y/n:Hah well its only a month or two til i come back and once i do i'll make you pasta
Tubbo:yay YOUR THE BEST Y/N!
Y/n:okay well i miss and love you guys
Tommy:we miss and love you too Y/n
Y/n:i gotta take care of sleepy Ranboo so i'll talk later Toms
Tommy:okay Bye y/n
Tubbo:BYE Y/N
Y/n:bye guys
He hangs up and puts my phone back on the nightstand.They pick me up and cradle me in their arms.I lean into the touch and lean my head on their shoulder
Y/n:How's my pretty Boo
Ranboo:too early
Y/n:I know Boo you can fall back asleep
I sternly look at them.
Y/n:i'm not gonna force you to stay awake
Ranboo:Don want to leave you -wake by youself
I slur.They softly smile at me
Y/n:Your too adorable
I beam at this.
Y/n:according to my phone the rain should stop in an hour or two
I nod my head now having a headache from the loud rain noises
Ranboo:mmm my head hurts
Y/n:awe do you want me to kiss it better?
I nod once again and they give my head a little kiss.I giggle a bit as they pepper my forehead with kisses.I now have energy as they have me laughing.
Y/n:theres my energetic Boo
Ranboo:i'm hungry now as well
Y/n:well lets go downstairs and see if theirs any leftover pizza
They grab my hand and lead me carefully down the dark stairs.We see the pizza box and its empty
Y/n:damn we must've been high on sugar to eat a whole pizza and popcorn
I chuckle a bit.I go in the kitchen careful not to trip on anything and roam the cupboards looking for something.I eventually found cheeze itz in the cupboard.I start snacking on them whilst on the counter.I hear footsteps.
Y/n:you found something to eat i see
Ranboo:yep you want some
Y/n:No thanks
Ranboo:your loss
Y/n:I personally hate the white cheddar cheeze its(sorry if you love them)
Ranboo:you take that back
Y/n:nope i think extra toasty is better than that shit
Ranboo:i will kick you out on the streets
Y/n:how rude
They start crying but i couldn't tell if it was real or fake so i hop off the counter and rush over to them
Ranboo:i'm sorry i didn't know its just a joke i didn't mean too
I cup their cheek in my hand and they start laughing
Ranboo:frick off
I go back over to my snack and close the box and put it back in the cupboard.I wipe my eyes with the back of my hand.
Y/n:we can go back to sleep if you want
Ranboo:mhm i'd like that
We go back up towards my room and get back underneath the covers.I instantly cling towards his side and tightly wrap my arms around his waist
Y/n:calm down love i'm not going anywhere
Ranboo:i know
I mumble.They continue to play with my hair making me even more sleepy than i already am.All my energy from earlier is gone now.They go back to their phone but it was our time together our time to cuddle.I grab their phone and set it aside
Y/n:hey don't snatch my pho-Ohhh i get it you want attention
Ranboo:its our time together
Y/n:okay love
I look at them.They have their mask above their nose and they have their eyes closed
Ranboo:Your beautiful without the mask y'know
Ranboo:mhm the most prettiest person i've seen
Their cheeks flush red
Ranboo:You have the most amazing eyes and your lips are so soft not to mention your cheeks that are always smiling you are nothing but beautiful
Y/n:th-thank you Love i appreciate that
Ranboo:your welcome i forgot to mention that its cute when you blush and wear my clothes as well
They look at me and smile.They rub their thumb over my cheek whilst pulling down their mask and setting it down next to them.They truly were beautiful.They kiss me slowly and i kiss back.It was short but it said everything
Y/n:i love you Boo
Ranboo:i love you too my darling

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