058 - Mi Gusta El Viento

Start from the beginning

"Am I speaking English? She's not there" 

I'm about to knock this bitch the fuck out but get cut off when John b grabs me by the hand and basically drags me up to where we left Sarah.

"What the fuck does she mean she's gone? She wouldn't have gone anywhere without us, she's not as stupid as we are" I rant as he continues dragging me up the stairs like a fucking child.

We get to the roof, and she isn't here.

"Oh shit" John b says, looking around but still no sight of her.

He lets go of me and quickly runs over to the lounge chairs we slept on, grabbing his bag and putting it on him before running back to me and once again dragging me.

This bitch is very rude today.

I squeal as I almost trip and fall to my death as he yanks me down the stairs.

"Jesus Christ John!" I shout at him.

We run through the entranceway and I almost trip again as he lets go off me and grabs the girl by the shoulders.

I groan and fall to my ass on the floor and try to breathe as John b tries to get the whereabouts of his girlfriend.

"Where is she? You know what-"

I see the girl point her knife at John b, "Take your hands off. I'll cut you"

After what John b just put me through he deserves death!

Death to you!

"You better not have hurt her" John b says.

Okay well, that's agreeable.

"She's with the boss, man" She turns to me, "He's been looking for you two all over town"

Oooo I'm special.

"Tell me where she is or I'll-"

She shoves John b back by his head.

"Yay!" I shout and clap my hands together.

Little bitch deserves it.

John b walks back over to her, angered slightly, "Okay you know what? I'm gonna-" 

She presses the back of her knife against his chest, "Ah, ah, ah" She tuts, holding the blade of her knife a centimetre away from his throat.

I think I like her.

"Come on, man. Too pretty to cut" She says

I roll my eyes, "Really?"

They both look at me, well, John b glares at me and the girl smiles lightly.

I smile like a child.

The girl takes the knife away from his throat and gestures over to a truck parked not to far away, "Come along"

I groan as I stand up and slowly walk over to the them.

"Nice and easy. We're gonna go for a little ride" We stop at the truck, "You, in the back bed" She tells John b, signalling to the bed of the truck, "You get to ride up front with me" She tells me


"Ooo fun!" I say and open the door

"Seriously Y/N?" John b scolds as he climbs into the bed.

Little bitch can fall out and go to his next life as a crippled vegetable.

I close the door of the truck and put my seat belt on.

The girl gets in and starts the truck, "What's your name?" She asks me

"Y/N" I tell her

"I'm Cleo" She says.

I look out the window as she drives.

As much as I fucking hate to admit it, it is beautiful here.

"So what did your friend do to make you pissed?" Cleo asks me, referring to my applause of her abuse towards him

"Oh, he was dragging me and I almost fell and he didn't even stop. Little bitch" I tell her

She laughs, "You're funny"

"I try" I say, "You were on the boat, right?" I ask her


She was.

"Where are you taking us?" I ask calmly.

Honestly, this doesn't scare me. Plus, I know how to defend myself, even that's an understatement.

"Cause I can tell you that my friend back there isn't gonna be happy if he doesn't see Sarah" I tell her

"Relax, Y/N" She tells me, "They sayin' your friend kill a cop, and he kidnapped you and that girl Sarah. That true?" She asks

I scoff, "Bitch please, John b is too much of a pussy to pull off a kidnapping let alone murder a fucking cop"

"That's too bad, I was about to be afraid" She sighs, "Copper probably deserved it"

"She didn't!" I say firmly

"Woah, calm down" She laughs

I sigh, "She was just trying to help us"

She hums, "Enough about your friend. What about you?"

I look at her confused, "What about me?"

"Why you go with him?" She asks.

A fucking psychotic ex boyfriend is what.

I shrug, "Just wanted to get away" I lie

"Away from what?"

Oh my god stop fucking asking me questions I don't want to fucking answer.


She chuckles, "And what was so bad about your life?"

Well where would I start?

My Mother abandoning me?

My Son dying?

My ex boyfriend almost killing me on multiple occasions?

"Most things"

Most things, because there was Blondie to keep it from being everything.

We pull into a driveway and she stops the car, "We're here"

Authors Note:

THERE WAS A FUCKING FROG IN MY BATHROOM LAST NIGHT AND I SCREAMED TO THE FUCKING HEAVENS. I WAS SCARED FOR MY LIFENESS!!!!!!!!!! So basically I had my shower and then went to my bedroom and yadayadayayda, and then I went to get my clothes and I didn't turn my bathroom light on because well I didn't think I'd need to, but then when I picked it up it was a bit heavy and then I heard something like fall, so i turned my light on and there it was,  A FUCKING FROG, and then when I yelled for my mummy she didn't even come cuz she knew it was a bug or somethin cuz she hates those but then i kept screaming and then when she saw the frog she screamed and ran to her room, little bitch. And then my dad was laughing at us but he was still a lil scared and then I called my gran and opa and told them and they were laughing at us while i was screaming and standing on top of my parents bed cuz it was jumpin and shit, i swear to god i have never ran so fast in my liferness. And then finally father caughted it and then I couldn't sleep so yeahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.


XOXO Isabelle

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