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Two weeks had gone by. Two agonizingly slow weeks. Taraji carried on as professional as possible. She didn't mention that day. She didn't mention much of anything to Janet. She just did her job and went home every day. She couldn't deny that the altercation didn't hurt her feelings. If anything, it truly confused her. Janet tried to brush past the situation. She'd carry on as if nothing happened, like it didn't bother her. Taraji kept her distance, and Janet noticed. Today, Janet was getting ready for a walk in the park with Eissa. She'd asked Joey to accompany her because Taraji claimed she wasn't able to.

"So, I've noticed a weird energy between you and T. Wanna tell me what happened?" Joey asked as the trio strolled through the relaxation garden in the park. Janet sighed as she refreshed her memory of that day.

"Basically, Wissam was being his usual self. He got a little physical, T told him to let me go, he wouldn't, called her some names, she pulled out her gun to scare him and he backed down and left." She finished but not fully. Have you ever heard how kids will tell what everyone else has done, BUT themselves? Yeah, this was Janet, but Joey knew better.

"And?" He inquired, Janet frowned as she glanced over at the man.

"And what?" Joey chuckled knowingly.

"And, what did Ms. Jackson, do?" She smacked her lips.

"Nothing." She mumbled.

"Your mother always said you were a horrible liar." Janet rolled her eyes at the comment.

"I got mad at her, told her to mind her business next time." She confessed softly, now regretting it all. Joey hummed lightly as he looked at the colorful arrangement of flowers.

"You were wrong, Janet." He finally spoke after a brief moment. Janet sighed. She knew he was right, but she was also stubborn.

"But she should have stayed in the car." Joey shook his head, coming to a stop. He looked at his long-time boss and friend with a disappointing twinkle in his eyes.

"She did what was right, Janet. You know as well as I do that if she had not been there, had she not got out and scared him off, he would've done or said worse. How many times have I had to buck up to him myself over you? Never once have you told me to mind my business or to stay in the car."Janet knew the man was right once again. Joey resume walking again as he continued.

"That woman was hired to do a job, and she did it. She's better than me, I've been dealing with Wissam's bullshit for years, I would've shot him if I were her." He confused, Janet's head shot up at the confession.

"Really, Joey?!" She exclaimed, Joey snickered.

"I said shoot, not kill, although that's an option to consider as well." Janet punched him in the arm as hard as she could. Joey was pure muscle so it didn't phase him, but it did give him a good laugh.

"I should talk to her, shouldn't I?" Joey only nodded. The trio stopped their stroll and sat at one of the picnic tables. Janet grabbed her baby bag and pulled out a few snacks for herself, Joey, and Eissa. They sat and talked, occasionally playing with Eissa and watching him pick flowers for his mother and Joey. After a few minutes, Joey noticed a familiar figure running down the parks path.

"Hey, remember when you asked if you should talk to her?" Joey asked softly while watching the woman jog.

"Yeah, why?"

"Well, looks like the universe is on your side." He said as he pointed in the woman's direction. Janet shook her head, she'd talk to the woman, just not now. She didn't want to disturb her peace.


The lyrics of Mary J. Blige's "Just Fine" blasted through her airpods as she jogged throug the park trail. As the woman jogged, she sang along to the tune.

"Feels so good, when you're doing all the things that you want to do. Get the best out of life, treat yourself to something new. Keep your head up high. In yourself, believe in you, believe in me." She sang quietly to herself, picking up her pace. Everyone who knew Taraji, knew that when she was stressed, she ran. Running/jogging was her therapy, it cleared her mind of all negative things and reset her mind. She always listened to uplifting music to aid the stress. She'd been running for about 30 minutes, she slowly came to a brisk walk then a normal one. Checking her Apple watch, she had reached exceeded her daily step count. There was a water fountain along the trail for people, at the bottom was a fountain for pets. Normally, she wouldn't drink from the fountain but her run caused her to drink up her two bottles.

"Hello?" She answered through her airpods.

"Hey baby, how ya doing?" A sweet voice spoke.

"Hey mama, I'm doing alright. How're you?" She spoke still trying to catch her breath.

"I'm alright, you sure you're okay? You sound exhausted." The woman began her walk to the parking lot. She looked at surroundings before her eyes landed on a familiar set watching her.

"Honey, did you hear me?" She broke her gaze from the woman at the table and continued walking.

"Yesmam, I was just running for a bit."

"What's going on?" The daughter chuckled.

"Nothing, I just wanted to run mama."

"She lying, and she knows she's lying!" Her sister shouted.

"Tasha, nobody was talking to you." She had reached her car, unlocking the door, she got in. She locked her doors back and started her car, letting the cool act dry her sweat.

"Girl, everyone knows that when you go for a run in the park, something or someone has stressed you out." Her sister yelled back, their mother laughed sweetly.

"She's got a point there baby, what's the matter?"

"Basically, I took Janet to meet up with her ex-husband like I always do. He got a little physical with her so I stepped out of the car to make sure she was okay. She told him he was hurting her, tried to call me a few names, so I pulled out my gun to scare him away from her."

"Did you really have to pull it out?"

"Yes, it was clearly the only thing that made him leave her alone. I wasn't going to shoot him mama, I mean I would've liked to buss a cap in his a-"

"Taraji..." Her mother warned.

"Sorry mama. What upset me was that Janet got mad at me and told me to mind my business and that I should've stayed in the car. I mean, how was I supposed to just ignore that mama?" Her mother was silent for a few seconds as she gathered her thoughts.

"I don't think you were wrong, I know you wouldn't have shot him. Maybe she was embarrassed and already stressed with her situation so you seeing her in that state, made her project her anger onto you instead of him."

"But Joey has been with her long than I have, he's told me that what I witnessed wasn't even near the surface. So why would she be emab with me and not him?"

"Well, sweet girl, you have a point there. Have yall tried talking about it?"

"No, I've been keeping my distance. You know how I get, she's been acting as if nothing happened."

"You two should talk it out, after all, she is your boss. You don't want that to interfere with your job status."

"Yeah, you're right. Thank you mama, you always know what to say." She could picture her mother's calming smile as she responded.

"That's the God in me baby."

"Yes it is, I'm about to get some food and head home. I'll come visit you tomorrow, okay? I love you mama."

"I love you more sweetheart, take care."

*°࿐ •*⁀*°࿐ •*⁀ *°࿐ •*⁀*°࿐ •*⁀*

ignore any mistakes! Next chapter MIGHT be up tonight or tomorrow night.

As always, thanks for the support. LOVE YALL SO MUCH 🩷🫶🏾

Protecting Janet (ON HOLD)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin