Part 15: When a carrot likes you but you hate vegetables (lmfao)

Start from the beginning

"What's going on here?" A deep voice demanded from behind you. Everyone besides you turned then saluted.

"C-Corporal! We were just talking to y/n, that's all." Jean told him.

"We weren't doing anything bad," Armin added. Sasha nodded in agreement.

You turned to see Levi glaring at them with crossed arms.

"Is that so...?" He questioned, observing each of them before landing his gaze on you. "If that's true, why does she look so dejected?" They turned to you.

"We don't know, one minute she was enjoying herself and the next she was crestfallen!" You didn't know who said that. You weren't paying attention. Your mind was enclosed on the idea of Kai possibly being alive. How could that be? I saw him die right in front of me. What if the Corporal was lying? You turned to him and caught his eye.

"Everyone," he glared at them and shooed them with his hands, "go away. Go eat somewhere else, can't you see you're bothering her? Just leave her alone." They obeyed and got their stuff to leave. Once they were all gone, Levi tsked and sat down besides you. He asked if you were alright but you simply shook your head.

"What's wrong? Did they do anything to you?" He added that part with a growl and suspiciously glared in their direction. You felt annoyed and angry that he was sitting next to you after what had happened, and all your attempts to ignore him failed.

"No, Corporal, they didn't. They are actually very entertaining and friendly, unlike some people." He didn't seem to hear you mutter the last part as he was too focused on sending them daggers.

"If they didn't bother you then what's got you so sad?" He questioned when he finally turned to you. You muttered a curse and picked up your plate, only to be brought down by his hand. "Stay."

I'm not a dog! But you had to obey him since you knew there was no escaping this.

"Nobody did anything to make me sad, okay? Now will you just leave me alone? I don't see you pestering the other Cadets with your nagging questions, do I? No, I don't. So leave me alone and go bother them." He clenched his fists but you ignored him and got up with your tray.

"Y/n, sit down." His voice had a intimidating demeanor to it and you felt obligated to listen. "Good. Now tell me what's bothering you. Right now," he added when you didn't say anything.

"Alright fine. I miss Kai. I can't stop thinking about what you said. About him being alive..." Levi's face was deep in thought and he muttered something under his breath.

"Why do you miss him so much?" He suddenly asked. "I mean- I get why you loved him, since he was like a brother to you, but what if Danny had a reason to act how he did?" What?! Pure anger burned deep inside you and you glared him with a look of pure poison.

"Excuse you? What!?" He sighed and rubbed his temples. "How can you agree with that maniac!?"

"That's not what I mean, it's just, if someone wants your attention, right?" You forced your anger down to hear him out and grimly nodded. "And you only focus on one specific person, obviously they have a reason to be upset. Are you following?"

"I guess, yeah."

"Danny was just affection deprived. You shouldn't be dwelling on Kai, y/n. Stop thinking about the things you could've or shouldn't have done, and focus on what happened. Focus on the future. Your future." Your eyes widened in surprise. He actually had a really good point. But on the other hand, you were absolutely infuriated that the even SUGGESTED the point to move on from Kai, your dead basically brother, and act like nothing happened. You felt your anger grow, but you forced yourself to act calm.

- 𝑫𝒚𝒔𝒕𝒐𝒑𝒊𝒂 - (Yandere!Levi x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now