Part 14: A Misty Encounter (Tw)

Start from the beginning

"Okay my king," you saltily spat back, "I'm sorry my king, I'll be sure to answer you with words and not gestures next time, my king." You jerked away from his grasp and went back to detangling your hair. He dumbfoundedly stared at you before crossly storming next to you.

"Your sarcasm is not advised y/n.." he warned as he glared at the brush in your hand while you brushed your hair. You just shrugged and stepped to another mirror. You saw him clench his fists right before you were grabbed and thrown against the bench.

"Ow!" You shrieked as you acknowledged your throbbing waist from where the impact landed. Levi stepped towards you with crossed arms.

"You better learn to respect me, Cadet," his words were sour as he reminded you of your title.

"Dude, just leave me alone. I don't even know why you're talking to me, honestly. I just came here for a nice shower and not for some idiotic baboon to be running his mouth over every little thing." You saw his nostrils flare and he lifted you up by your arms.

"Now listen here-'' you pushed your fingers against his lips and mouthed 'shh'. He averted his gaze to your hand with a surprised expression before opening his mouth to say something else, but you shushed him once again. Wow, his lips are so soft and smooth... you acknowledged.

"It's late. I'm tired, you're tired, let's just forget this and go to bed." He glared his eyes before shutting his mouth and nodding.

"Maybe you're right. It is late." You sighed in relief and were about to pull away when you felt him grab your hand. You expediently turned back. "That is why you are going to come with me to my nice, cozy room, and fall asleep." You furrowed your eyebrows. He couldn't be serious.

"Excuse me? No, I'm going to go to my cozy room and I'm going to fall asleep in my own bed." You tried to pull away but his grip was solid and hard. You looked up and met his hard, serious eyes.

"Let's go," he finalized as he dragged you towards the door, but you stood your ground and harshly jerked away.

"Uh-uh. Are you out of your mind? I'm not even dressed!" He stared at you with an uncaring expression then reached out to grab you once more. You managed to jerk away just in time but he was able to grab onto your towel, which to your horror, unfolded slightly. His eyes widened and a harsh blush settled onto his cheeks as you shrieked and tried to cover yourself once more. You pulled the towel and tried to snatch it out of Levi's grasp, but then you lost your balance and fell to the wet ground with a slippery thud.

"Ow..." you groaned as you lifted your head. Levi was staring down at you with his mouth slightly ajar and awfully wide eyes.

He was holding your towel.

Your face froze in realization.

"Oh shit!" You cursed as you tried to hide your almost naked body by getting up, but to your terror, falling back down. Levi made a weird noise. Your face was burning and your heart was speeding at millions of miles per hour, you had never been as humiliated as you were right then. Suddenly the door made a noise and both your eyes whipped to see what the commotion was. Someone was coming in! Levi quickly whipped around and grabbed you then zipped into a stall at lighting speed. He managed to close and lock it just as the person entered. The audible noise of the sink turned on and the person grunted as they (hopefully) washed their hands. Levi was barely breathing from next to you, and his eyes were fixed intently on the stall door in case the person decided to take a shower. You just stared with wide eyes as you tried to cover your body the best you could. After a few moments Levi slowly averted his eyes to adjust them on you but you harshly pushed his face away. His eyebrows furrowed and he grabbed your hand to take it off his face but then decided against it.

- 𝑫𝒚𝒔𝒕𝒐𝒑𝒊𝒂 - (Yandere!Levi x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now