Chapter 2

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"Gotta respect the Caddy," Eric said as he raced in front of the McKenzie's car to get a good parking spot.

Macie started walking up to the house. It seemed nice enough, not a bad place to spend the weekend.

"Daddy, what is that machine doing?" Becky asked.

"It's getting rid of the moths, honey," Lenny said.

"Where's it taking them?" Becky asked.

"Hell," Marcus said.

"Don't say that, Higgins," Lenny scolded.

"Oh, I'm sorry. Not hell, Mexico," Marcus said.

"No it's giving them electricity," Lenny said, "So the moths fall asleep electrically."

Macie cringed at how he was trying not to tell the little girl that it was killing the moths but doing a horrible job.

"It's electrocuting them?" Becky said.

"No, no, no," Lenny tried to assure.

"Daddy, they're dying," Becky whined.

"It's killing them?" Charlotte and Donna yelled.

Macie looked at the two girls wondering how they didn't that a bug zapper killed the bugs.

"No," Lenny said as the bug zapper went off again.

"Daddy, no!" Becky yelled.

"No, no, it's not. Let me adjust it," Lenny said unplugging the bug zapper, "Look, they're all all right, I promise you."

Lenny then proceeded to pick a moth off the bug zapper and throw it in the air. The moth fell to the ground disproving what he was saying about it being all right.

"It's still sleeping," Lenny said.

"It's dead, Dad," Greg said as his mom pinched the back of his arm.

"Oh a porch swing," Mama Ronzoni said pushing Keithie to the ground, "I know what I'm doing this weekend."

She walked onto the porch stepping on the moth.

"Well if it wasn't dead it is now," Macie mumbled making Greg beside her laugh.

She looked over at the boy who was smiling at her.

"Welcome back to 1978, everybody. The lake house" Rob said opening the door to the house.

Everyone gushed over the house as they walked in. A loud banging on the organ caught Macie's attention and she looked over to see her sister attempting to play it.

"Hon, you might not want to bang on that," Sally said walking toward her daughter.

"But I like playing it like this," Donna said continuing to bang on the organ.

"So listen, guys, who's getting what room?" Lenny asked catching everyone's attention.

"Actually. I made a map of who gets which room," Rob said, "I took the liberty of reserving the room with the waterbed for Gloria and myself."

"Ooh. You're gonna do the backstroke tonight," Gloria said.

Macie internally gagged not knowing exactly what the two adults were referring to but she knew they weren't talking about swimming.

"I wanna go swimming with you guys tonight," Donna said.

Gloria then tried to explain what the backstroke was until Sally covered Donna's ears telling Gloria she didn't need to know what that phrase meant.

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