chapter one

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Ari get up, Bruce yells. Ari gets up sore from last night. This year has been rough. 2 months after she got back from her aunts they when I say they I mean all 3 of them abused her for everything. She didn't even go to school because of the abuse. A few months after she turned 13 she started her period. She told her mom but like always she told Bruce and Lucas. That was so embarrassing.
   After her period she didn't get much beatings as before but then Lucas started coming into her room and started raping her. When she told her mom she just says your woman now.
At just the age of 13 Ari got pregnant with Lucas baby. Bruce and her mom  Jackie was excited and congratulate them. Ari was confused and upset. She didn't what to think.  About two months after that Ari notice alot of blood in her pants. They did not take her doctor because they knew she would tell. So she had to deal with the pain.
    Soon after Lucas continues to rape her and she continues to have miscragaes until she turns 14 when the pregnancy sticks. Bruce buys an ultrasound and finds out they are having a girl Bruce and Lucas get mad and start beating her once again. They only want boys. Lucas yells at her your worthless you had to lose all the other ones. Ari just cries..
4 months later Ari goes into labor. It was so much pain. Her mom went to midwifery just so they can hide their secrets. As the last push her baby girl pops out, she can her crying and ask her to see the her. She begged and pleaded but they walked out of her room. Lucas came in and looked at her in disgust. You lost that one also. I hope your happy as he walks out the door.

mafia LoveTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon