4. All I want is to be by them

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Your POV:
"Kuki?" I yawned. When I woke up this morning I went to go make me and Bennett, who was still asleep, some breakfast when I ran into Shinobu having tea with Ayato in the main area. "I called her here." Ayato took another sip of his milk tea. "You told me last night you had something to ask her correct?" "Ohh." I said catching on. "Shinobu." She lifted her head to look at me and took a sip of her tea. "Do you wanna help me end the visi-" "Absolutely I do."

I didn't even get to finish before she agreed. A sudden wave of confidence washed over me. "Good" I smiled. I rushed back into me and Bennett shared room and quickly returned with a very sleepy Bennett. We all sat around the living area before I started. "It will take about half a day to reach Inazuma City. On our way there we need to preserve as much energy as possible." I said. "Kuki will be our healer and will mostly stay in the back only jumping in to use her burst before jumping back. It's crucial to keep everyone in good health and since you hurt yourself to heal others it would be best if you avoided direct confrontation." Shinobu nodded before I turned to Ayato and Bennett, who was fully awake now.

"Bennett will buff all 3 of our attacks." I smiled. "So we need to wait for her to get stunned in some way before we all use our bursts at the same time. That time slot will give us the most time to do as much damage as possible, and if Sara shows up. We focus on her." Everyone nodded and looked at each other. "I'll get a cart so we won't waste any energy getting to the city. Ayato said before waving his hand to a nearby guard to get their cart ready.

One of the Kamisato Estate guards got in the driver's seat and movement started once we all were in the back. Ayato was looking over the guard's shoulder while gripping his sister's fan, not seeming to care that his shoulder was getting wet from the rain. Shinobu was bouncing her leg in anxiety while holding a collar. It looked like what held Ittos vision before the Shougen got him. I was also starting to get nervous. Or I was before Bennett slightly started to rub my back. I looked at him and smiled but for the most part the entire ride to Inazuma city was quiet. The only thing that could be heard was the rain pouring down and the carts movement. Before any of us knew it, we were at the Raiden Shoguns front door and our time to prepare was over.

"Hey." Bennett came over to me right before we went inside. He handed me an envelope. "Open this when this is over, ok?" He asked. "I will." I gently grabbed his hand, after putting the envelope in a safe spot hidden in my clothes, and all 4 of us walked inside the Shougens home.


The second we walked in we were attacked by a big burst of lightning, Which we all managed to dodge. Kuki ran along the wall and used her skill to keep us healed. Bennett, Ayato and I all got within range and attacked her as much as possible to get her in her shield phase. It was hard for me to keep up with the lightning fast god but I was definitely hurting her much more than before.


A large bolt of lightning hit me and sent me flying. It did a lot more than I thought but at the same time I was able to stand up and keep going a lot easier than when I tried this before. A big flash nearly blinded me and when my eyes adjusted I was alone with the Shogun. Bennett and the others were nowhere to be found in this weird sandy plains. I felt the hairs on the back of my neck slightly stand before I jumped out of the way. Raiden shot where I was with a large surge of lightning. I could tell by her stance she was about to do it again so I eye framed it, doing some damage in the process.

I don't know where I am but I do know I still have to beat the Shougen.

It felt like a few hours passed while this process repeated itself over and over again. I hit her, I dodge, eyeframe and run before I hit her again. The amount of time this was taking was torture but I couldnt let myself get impatient. One mistake would be fatal. Especially since Bennett isn't here to help.

She was stunned. I ran over to her as she stood there with her hand on her head. I did as much damage as I could in those golden few seconds. She was just a few hits before defeat and I decided to make my worst decision yet. I got greedy.

She unstunned herself at the worst time and immediately went back to attacking. I wasn't prepared so I couldn't dodge. It felt like I was cut in half, just above my waist, by a flaming knife. I could feel my vision go blurry as I desperately tried to cover my wound. My hands weren't big enough to cover the large cut on my stomach. My catalyst hit the floor and my body did the same soon after. The last thing I saw was the Shogun's purple spear slightly dragging on the floor until she was right in front of me. I felt some of her blood drip onto me right before my vision went completely black.

Bennett POV:
We managed to beat a dark haired woman, that I assumed was Sara, before another bright flash went throughout the room. "(Y/N)!!" I yelled. The Shougen stood above them, watching a sickening amount of blood pour out of her stomach. "Bennett!" Kuki broke me out of my horrified trance. "I can't heal this but if you can take her to Watatsumi," She paused. She ripped off part of her clothing to stop her bleeding while Ayato distracted the Shougen. "Find Kokomi! She will help!" I nodded, picking up the very unconscious and bloody (Y/n) before running out of the building.

I ran through Inazuma city before realizing. I have no idea where Watatsumi island is. My nerves shot through the roof. "(Y/N)?!?!" I turned to the voice to see a blond girl running towards us. "What happened?" she said to me. "Where's Watatsumi Island?! I need to find Kokomi!" I shouted through the rain. The blonde girl nodded before running in a direction. I followed. I can't let this happen. Why them? Why not me? I finally got someone who didn't want to leave after a day of being with me. I found someone that genuinely cared about my health and made me happy. They didn't care that I was unlucky. So why, out of everyone in Teyvat, why are they the one that has to suffer. My vision started to get blurry as we started to approach a large building surrounded by large looking shells and waterfalls.

"Kokomi!" The blond girl in front of me yelled at a pink haired woman. Once she saw (Y/n) she motioned for us to follow her. We went inside and I gently laid them on the operation table before Kokomi motioned for us to leave. I could barely keep myself together once I stepped into the hallway with the blond girl, when I set them down and my hand brushed against their neck.

I didn't feel a pulse.

"Yoimiya." The blond next to me smiled as she sat on a bench just outside the room (Y/n) and Kokomi were. "Bennett." I said, also sitting on the bench. There was a long moment of silence between us before the large door next to us opened slightly. We both turned our heads towards it but it was a large jellyfish made out of water carrying (Y/n)'s soaked and blood stained clothes to who knows where. That's when I remembered. "Wait." I said to the jellyfish. Before I could stand it handed me the letter I gave (Y/n). It was crumbled up and the edges were slightly burnt. It had droplets of blood on it but the actual letter inside seemed ok.

I lightly folded it and put it in my pocket before silently letting hours pass. At some point Yoimiya gave me something to give to (Y/n) if they woke up before leaving. Kuki and Ayato stopped by and stayed with me for a while before also leaving. I guess the mission was successful. It's weird, I feel like my entire life all I wanted was one successful adventure but now all I want is to be by them.

A few more hours went by. I was on the verge of collapsing in exhaustion but I refused to even blink for too long. What if Kokomi needs me for something. The door opened. A very tired looking Kokomi came out of the room before collapsing. I managed to grab her before she hit the floor and laid her on the bench before I went towards the door. If Kokomi was here then she was done with the operation right? I was about to walk in before deciding against it. It was my bad luck that caused this. Do I really deserve to see them? Would that be ok?

I shook those thoughts from my head. I opened the envelope that had my letter in it. I am a curse. I wrote a few more sentences at the bottom of the page before shoving it back in the envelope. I set my letter and the small goldfish trinket Yoimiya wanted me to give them on the floor next to the door. I made sure to make it obvious it was there so no one would step on it. I also wrote a big 'To: (Y/n)' on the front of the letter. Before walking out the large building and heading towards Rito. Before heading towards Mondstat.

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"Do you wanna go kill a god with me?" - Bennett x G/N Reader (Genshin Impact)Where stories live. Discover now