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Taehyung had been upset the entire week after Jungkook had up and left without telling him.He didn't even bother to text the omega all week because he was upset.On the other hand Jungkook had texted him at least once everyday.That was a great improvement from the omega's side.However that improvement couldn't melt Taehyung's anger and disappointment.No don't get him wrong.He had no problem with Jungkook leaving but the way he did it.

Jimin had an ongoing court case at the supreme court so Rose and Jungkook went with him to support him.When he won the criminal case they were elated .They wanted to go out for lunch to celebrate after the proceedings.

"What will we have?"Jungkook asked thoughtfully

"Jungkook are you just gonna leave like that"

"What do you mean"

"Your fiance's office is somewhere around here.Drop in and say hie.This is the best opportunity to catch him doing something an engaged person shouldn't do"Jimin said

"I'm not going to see a man who has been leaving my texts on read for an entire week.Who does that.The mood swings drive me nuts and to think that man is part of the country's judiciary.The system is really in trouble"

"Don't you think that maybe this is the time to get your answers.Make him explain his behavior"

"Should i?"

"Its best to set him straight before you get married.If you don't he will never change.A man should respect you.If he doesn't then you guys are going nowhere"

"What about you guys ?"

"We will be waiting outside.Okay.Go and kick him in the face"....

"Okay.I will go and find out where his office is"

Jungkook finally found Taehyung's office after asking around.He got a lot of judging gazes in the process.They were questioning what business he would have with and esteemed judge.Jungkook' s mind was too busy to give a flying fuck about what other people thought about him.

When he finally got to Taehyung's office he forgot all his manners and walked in without thinking.The office wasn't anything much.What would you expect from a government office anyways.They didn't have the luxury to give every officer a fancy office.

Taehyung ' office was very spacious and too organized for an alpha. The view behind his desk was unexpectedly breath taking.There was a painting on the wall which anyone could tell was expensive at first glance.When Jungkook walked in he found the alpha sitting behind his desk staring blankly at a stack of papers in front of him.


Taehyung looked up lazily at the omega"What are you doing here.I certainly didn't hear you knocking"

"Really Taehyung.Is this how you are going to be.No what a surprise or i miss you"


"What did i do wrong.I thought we were on good terms the last time we met"

"That's what i thought too but you just up and ran away"

"Oh.That's what you are upset about?"

"Care to explain yourself"

"It's really not what you are thinking..I just had to go home"

"Well you could have at least told me.I wasn't going to stop you from going to your apartment.I wasn't going to tie you up.Do you know how scared i was when you disappeared like that."

"I'm sorry"Jungkook murmured"I have no excuse for what i did.I just wanted to go home.That's all.I was sorry for not telling you.I just didn't want to wake you up.I didn't know it would be a big issue"

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