RE: Prologue

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A/N: I liked most of the prologue so I'm not changing much here. And the picture is kinda what I imagine Yuki's apartment to look like.

One of the world's most famous and bought out genre of games: The Otome Game. A mix of dating sim, adventure, and visual novel has captured the imagination of many females with it's usually harem-eques style gameplay. Even some males have been captured in its; ever changing protagonist-love interest-antagonist love triangles.

I, Satomi Yuki, have been haunted by these types of games for as long as he could remember. Not only did my single mother enjoy playing them, but my younger twin sisters also did. Day in, day out all they ever talked about was otome games, the characters and storylines. It was an obsession. One that seemed to have skipped me the only son of the family.

Living on a single mother's salary meant that we lived in a small apartment. It only had two bedrooms, a living-kitchen and a bathroom. Which meant mom took one room, the twins took another room and Yuki was left with the living room. Very small.

And to make matters worse they loved getting together and playing their otome games in the tv in the living room. Inevitably Yuki was forced to see and hear everything. He really wished they had a second television. When he said forced, it wasn't exaggerated either. They played daily. Hour after hour; day after day after day. During the holidays they played from morning through most nights, until they flopped over from exhaustion. The worst of the otome games were those with actual voice lines, which ended up repeated time and time again.

Getting rid of the television wasn't an option, not when he wanted to live, because the constant giggling, rants, and sobbing were cringe worthy. The cheesy one liners said by the too-handsome-to-be-real love interest were going to make him barf.

And that seemed to be their favorite type of otome game, the ones with voice actors saying cheesy lines that they'd get emotional over. He found that they almost never played one that didn't have someone saying some cringe-y one liner that made his teeth ache from how sickly sweet they tended to be.

The most recent one they were obsessing over as they played on the television at this very moment was called "The Rose War Chronicles". Unlike most of the ones they played, this one was special in that it had a multitude of endings. Not just the basic good or bad endings. They were on their way toward the 28th playthrough of the game. That was only a quarter of the way through the endings. The otome game summary for RWC stated there was 100 different endings, with an extra special one unlocked after completing the rest.

Yuki highly doubted that there are any other people who know this game as well as my family does. Except me, who must sit here listening to it all. Yuki's surprised he can still hear anything after listening to the screams, yelling, and sobbing they've done. My ears feel like they could bleed.

Truly he didn't see the difference between this one and any other otome games they've played, but he doesn't want to be given the evil eyes they give to people when they make fun of otome games around them. He just thinks they like the characters more, personally.

"...And thus judgement shall be given. Stripped of the name Boleoti, Alexander henceforth will be beheaded for his crimes against the Royal family." The Prime Minister declared with a face filled with hatred, while he looked at a fifteen year old boy, with lavender hair.

Finally having had enough of listening to those stupid character lines, Yuki gets up to walk to the convenience store down the road. He did it often enough when escaping from their games that the girls and his mother didn't mind. They knew Yuki sometimes needed some time to himself, and away from their hobby.

Out the door he fled.

Stepping back out onto the sidewalk, Yuki looked both ways before crossing the street. He'd spent a good hour chatting with the shop owner who knew of his family's hobby. The owner didn't mind Yuki loitering around the small shop because it was slow most days. Especially in the evenings when most people were already home eating dinner with their families.

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