Chapter 2

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Sitting on the armchair next to the window of the library, Lex closed the book he'd just finished reading. Sighing, he stood up and walked to one of the many bookshelves to return the one he was reading. It was the third one today...

Time seemed to fly by while he was planning how to avoid the death flags. And it was the day before his seventh birthday. Which wasn't going to be celebrated, even though the servants were getting ready to hold a party. The party was to welcome Jasper Boleoti into the main family as the foster son of Dietrich. Jasper was the second cousin of Alexander, and would soon be announced as heir to the Boleoti family.

Jasper was born into the noble branch family of the Boleoti's and carried the blue eyes they were known for. And being a healthy boy who had the makings of becoming an extraordinary knight, Dietrich had accepted him into his home. Lex also knew that his father still blamed him for his mother's death and would never allow him to become head of the family.

He was allowed to live in the lavish home of the Duke, even if only the outer palace. He was given one servant to take care of the upkeep and one servant to bring him his meals. Neither of which spoke to him and often didn't attend to their jobs. His room in the outer palace was cleaned maybe once a week, and he was only brought food once a day.

He knew the staff saw that his father hated him, thus knew they weren't in trouble if they neglected him. Who was he to tell on them when they held a higher station than him here. No they wouldn't care about him unless the Duke cared. Not likely going to happen.

Lex still felt that he lived a life of luxury even if he was ignored. With his humble background living with his mother and sisters, he now lived in a room nearly twice the size of their old apartment. The walk in closet, not even a third filled, was big enough to fit at least two king sized beds with room to spare. He was sorely lacking in fancy clothes with most being outdated to the fashion trends that most nobles currently wore.

Unlike most nobles, who were dressed by personal maids and butlers Lex had to learn how to work and wear the clothes given to him here. The noble clothes had many layers with many buttons, laces, and straps that needed to be tied or fastened. He sometimes found it could take hours to get dressed. Just this morning when he pulled out a simple tunic, pants, and customary vest to wear it had taken him an hour to finish with everything. He really missed the simplicity modern day shirts and jeans.

After Lex showed he was able to get around and feed himself the wet nurses were sent away leaving him to be self-sufficient. His life hadn't changed much since then. He never saw Duke Dietrich, except when he left the estate. And then it was more his carriage than the actual man himself.

With the welcoming party being prepared Lex wanted to sneak in and indulge in some of the food that would be served. Who knows he might even catch a glimpse of his cousin, Jasper. He knew Jasper had the blue eyes of the Boleoti family but his sisters' had yet to choose him as a love interest. So he didn't know what the boy looked like. Only that he was said to be a year older than the villain.

He had thought long and hard about how to advert the death flags and how to survive in this world. And the most obvious starting point was to change the opinion that people had of him. The main goal would be to change the love interest hatred of him to something less, like indifference, maybe. And that he must must stay away from the female lead.

The closest love interest in the story was Jasper, as he lived in the same estate as the villain. So, Lex knew he needed to find a way to talk to and befriend him first. He wanted to talk to him at least once, and try to end up on good terms with him. He just hope he'd get the chance to do that. Maybe the Duke won't try to kill him if he showed up.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 30 ⏰

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