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not every happy family can have an happy ending.

the family of [first name] was an example of it, a family with little to no communication, a family which treats eachother like air, a family that had lost its warmth and love all those years ago, stolen by time.

it wasn't always like this, it seems that her parents just fell out of love during the relationship and slowly started regarding the other as just another person living in the same house. a mere roommate.

silence consumed the table where three people sat, eating their dinner with only the sound of untensils hitting plates filling the room, "we have something to say to you." her mother spoke up but didn't stop eating or even bothered to look at her child.

"we're sending you off to live on your own, there's a school in Seoul and you'll study there, don't worry about housing because we've already fixed that for you." the older woman finally looked at her child and explained, but all [first name] displayed on her face was nothing. she had already mentally prepared herself for the day the this loveless family would finally officially fall apart.

[first name] nodded "if that's what you want, then sure." her father stared at her, expecting more emotions than that from her,

"you'll be leaving next week, prepare all your things."


after that, silence once again took over until she stood up and brought her dishes to the sink and washing it before going to her room.

even though it seemed like she didn't fully care anymore, it still stung, seeing her parents who were once madly in love with eachother now acting like it was all just a dream.

she sat on her bed, fingers cracking the bones in her hands even though they've already been cracked, leaving only a dull ache. she needed something—anything to distract her for at least a moment.

and a good way to distract herself was going to the park and sitting on the swings.

[first name] sat on the swings, rocking back and forth, music filled her ears but it didn't seem to make her mood better. thinking back on old memories, her sight got blurrier, she wiped her tears and sniffled, with a huff she ran her fingers through her hair in frustration.

crying won't bring them back together, so what's the use. she frowned and went back home.


the day of departure had arrived, it was only [first name] and her things, the girls parents had already left to go to their work.

this didn't really affect her though, the lack of people crying over her leaving didn't really bother her, she was never close to anyone in class anyways.

securing the cap she wore, she got onto the bus and sat down on the seat near the window, her way of passing time in this bus ride was listening to music and playing games before passing out and waking up once the bus stopped.

[first name] is now in Seoul, now starting her independent days.

first thing she did, get food.

her stomach had been growling for hours since she forgot to eat breakfast and ate her snack earlier than planned. she found herself a small food stall and ordered tteokbokki and munched happily.

as [first name] was about to eat another piece, a familiar ringtone played out,

'at least he had the conscious to call', she thought before answering "hello?"

"have you found the house?"

"no, not yet, i got something to eat first."

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