Chapter 19: A lighter heart

Comenzar desde el principio

Nate let out a small gasp at Darren's last sentence, and for once, the big man himself looked a bit flustered, but he did not make any excuses about his unintentional admission - excuses that Kyle would have probably easily believe. Instead, he proceeded to make a fire, with Nate and Kyle watching him. The tension between them slowly dissipated as they sat by the fire, giving space to a comfortable silence. 

"If me being a Sub won't make you lo-like me any less, then what about this?" Kyle suddenly blurted. "I killed my uncle. All the rumors are true." (not me having Cardi B's song in my head^^')

He didn't know what he had expected, throwing this bomb after hidding the truth for years, but not for his mates to remain silent, as they patiently waited for him to elaborate. 

Which he did. He told them about the panic that had seized him when he had discovered that he was a Sub, after years of being convinced he would be a Dom, no doubt about it. How he had been too ashamed to tell his two best friends, who had both turned to be Doms. How his uncle had reacted at the news, forcing him to start a special training...

"Special training?"Darren repeated, interrupting Kyle for the first time. 

"I - I started the day around 4am, taking the Suppressants, which always gave me headaches and stomach cramps, but my uncle said I had to stop being so weak and be grateful he was helping me out. Then, just before the physical training, came the confession time-"

He paused, getting lost in his memories, before the feeling of Darren sitting on his other size, and gently carding his fingers through his hair, brough him back to the present. He explained them how most of the times he had nothing to confess, but still had to "cleanse his soul" by repeating after his uncle how he should have been dead instead of his mother, and did not deserve his uncle's generosity. 

"If you hadn't killed your uncle, I would have killed him myself." Nate declared, looking horrified, after Kyle had finished talking. 

"Maybe he wasn't entirely wrong" Kyle replied hesitantly. "I - I did try to rape you. Maybe I am the monster."

Nate's grip on Kyle's hand tightened at this statement. Taking the other man's chin between his finger and thumb to force him to look at him, he replied with clear, carefully chosen words. 

" I am not going to lie, and pretend I quickly got over it, but you were under the influence of the Suppressants, which make instincts much more difficult to control, especially when you are a teen. Plus, with the way this asshole was treating you, you weren't in your right state of mind. I forgive you, Kyle. I wish things hadn't turned out like this, with you being abandonned by everyone, even us."

"Still, we have all our lives to progress, make amends and love the others as much as we can" Darren added. "I'm sure the three of us will be very happy together. I am glad you are our mate, Kyle."

The submissive werewolf was now sitting in his mates' lap, on Darren's left thigh and Nate's right one. His heart felt much lighter. Suddenly, he had this unexpected urge to being kissed, being cuddled, to try new food and to bask in the sun. 

"So, now that we know I am a Sub, does it mean you expect me to wear a collar and call you Daddies" he tried to joke, because all this love and affection his mates were showing him was kinda intimidating. 

"Every relationship is unique" Nate replied seriously. "But if you allow us, maybe the three of us could figure out how this one could work. You have been repressing your instincts for so long, Kyle. It isn't healthy. We would like to show you that being a Sub can be a very beautiful, pleasurable thing. There's relief in giving control to your mates."

Giving control to someone else. That was the opposite of what he had been doing so far, but somehow, if Darren and Nate were the ones in charge, it did not seem so bad. 

"Not only did you run away from us, but today you tried to attack me" Darren added sternly, but Kyle knew him well enough to know that he wasn't mad, only worried about him. "Now, I understand why you did it and I won't punish you for it, especially since we hadn't discussed it and you haven't gave us your consent. However, since we are on the topic, you should know that most Subs would have gotten punished by their Doms for what you did."

Punished. What would a punishment imply, exactly? He had never thought about it before. How would Darren punish a grown-up like him? Certainly not like his uncle did, because the Alpha was a kind man, who only wanted to shower his mates with affection. Would it imply for Darren to touch him? Would he use his Alpha's voice to give him orders? Would Nate take part in the punishment? How would that feel?

New pictures started to appear inside of his mind, and Kyle started feeling a strange heat pooling in his lower regions. Taking a deep breath, he opened his mouth, then closed it, then opened it again, making his mates look at him with a curious expression. 

"Maybe - " he started, a little breathless. "Maybe I need to be punished."

A/N: Longer chapter! (I had to make sure you noticed, because your dear author needs a pat on the shoulder!! :P)

More seriously, this is new content, so I would be very interested in knowing what you think about this chapter.

Thank you to all the support regarding my last statement about my health. I feel much loved <3  I am still waiting for some results, but so far the first ones had been quite reassuring, and I am feeling a bit  less worried. Really, thank you so much for your messages and good wishes, you're a wonderful bunch of people <3

Enjoy your day/night, and wishing you all a good start of the week :) Love and rainbows xx

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