As you and Jenna delivered these lines, the contrast between the characters and the intimate confession heightened the awkwardness you had already felt. a certain warmth crept up your cheeks, turning them a shade of pink that didn't go unnoticed by the others in the reading circle, The room fell silent

"Y/n, are you alright? You're looking a little red," Joy questioned, her eyebrow arching with curiosity. The observant cast members, each with their scripts in hand, their attention shifting from the pages to your slightly flushed face.

You cleared your throat, attempting to regain composure as Jenna placed a hand on your forehead. "Oh, uh yeah I'm fine, but isn't it hot in here or what?" you mumbled, offering a somewhat sheepish grin. The excuse felt week even to your own ears, and the smirks exchanged among your fellow cast members suggested they weren't fully buying it and Jenna slowly moved her hand away seemingly not catching on.

Tim was watching and chimed in, " Well, if the chemistry is this good during the reading, I can't wait to see it on screen." The diversion both spared and further embarrassed you, the script in your hands suddenly felt heavier, You knew you had good onscreen chemistry with Jenna you both had worked on a film together before. What was Jenna doing in all of this? Was she also embarrassed? or Was she cringing at the thought of the situation.

Jenna's reaction was a mix of amusement and subtle embarrassment. While she didn't outwardly show discomfort, her eyes betrayed a hint of shared embarrassment. you quickly dart your eyes back to the script.

later on The wardrobe fitting brought another layer of challenge. Jenna, excitedly trying on costumes for the shoot, sought your opinion. and It took every ounce of self-control to offer constructive feedback without letting your gaze linger for too long, the rest of yours and the cast costume fitting wasn't scheduled till you land in Romania

everyone from the cast are now here at the hotel and they were buzzing with energy as well as Georgie, Emma, Percy, Hunter and Joy, who were all discussing the upcoming shoot.

Georgie leaned back in his chair, crossing his arms. "So, folks, what are we thinking about Romania?"

Emma chimed in, with enthusiasm in her voice. "I've heard the locations are amazing. It's going to add a whole new layer to it all."

Percy, flipping through his script, added, "Yeah, the script has some intense scenes. It'll be interesting to see how it pairs with the new setting"

Hunter, nodded. "Let's hope the weather plays nice. I heard it can get pretty cold there."

Joy joined the conversation, sipping her tea "I'm excited but a bit nervous. never been so far from home before"

" Remember, everyone, we're a team. We've got each other's backs. Let's focus on bringing out the best in our characters and making this shoot memorable." Georgie shared his thoughts.

You leaned forward, " your absolutely right, I can't wait to explore the local culture. Maybe we can find some hidden gems in between our scenes" you say with a spark of excitement in your eyes.

"Alright, enough about work. but while we're on the topic did anyone discover any hidden gems in the city since we got here?" Georgie says

 "Oh, you guys have to check out this little bakery I stumbled upon. The pastries are to die for!" Emma says as her face lit up

 " Pastries, you say? Lead the way, Emma. I'm in desperate need of a sugar fix." Percy raised an eyebrow.

 "I hope they have something for my caffeine addiction. A good cup of coffee can make or break my day." Hunter said

 "You and your coffee, Hunter. I'm more of a tea person myself. maybe i can get you to like tea one day" Joy teased with a smile

 "Alright, let's plan a cafe trip later today A little bonding outside of work won't hurt." Georgie chuckled

as they were talking Jenna came back from her wardrobe fitting you accidently made eye contact with her and she took that as an invitation to approach you with her signature smile, ready to continue the positive momentum from the previous night. 

" Hey there," Jenna greeted, her eyes sparkling. everyone around you two continued with their conversation " Last day before we jet off! Can you believe it?"

" Yeah, it's pretty surreal," you replied, trying to maintain a  controlled demeanor. as you were talking with her you were consciously avoiding moments of prolonged eye contact with Jenna. Whenever your eyes met hers, a wave of warmth threatened to disrupt the professional facade you were trying to maintain. but before she could call you out you both were interrupted by hunter

"And what about you two?, Y/n? Any favorite spots or hidden talents we should know about?" hunters says smiling at the two

You grinned, "Well, I've always loved books so i wanted to explore local bookstores. I Found a gem with a good collection of vintage novels. As for hidden talents I'm actually a surprisingly good cook "

 "Vintage novels and cooking, now that's an interesting combination." Emma laughed

 "cooking, you say? We might need a feast one of these days." Percy raised an eyebrow

 "Maybe we can incorporate it into the script. Archie discovers a newfound talent for cooking in the midst of chaos." Hunter teased

Joy added with a playful smile, "Or maybe Archie just needs to cook to cope with Wednesday's unpredictable antics."

You chuckled at their teasing antics, appreciating the light-hearted banter. "Well, who knows, maybe Archie is secretly a culinary genius in times of crisis. Cooking could be his therapy" You say "And if anyone wants a taste tester, count me in. I'm always up for a good cook."

you all erupted in laughter,  "So, Y/n, what's your signature dish? Are we talking about gourmet creations or more of a comfort food vibe?" Emma chimed in,

You thought about the question with a grin. "I lean towards comfort food. Maybe a killer Chiles rellenos or some good ol fashioned pizza. But who knows, I might surprise you all with a gourmet twist someday."

 "Well, we've got our post-shoot plans, and now we know our resident book enthusiast can cook. This project just keeps getting better."  joy says

"Hey what about you Jenna? " Emma says

Jenna, hearing the conversation about food and adventures, couldn't resist joining in. "Well, count me in for the culinary adventures, but just a small correction as a proud pescatarian, I'll be scouting for the best seafood or plant based joints around here."

 "So, we have a food connoisseur. Maybe Wednesday can have a scene where she introduces Archie to the world of fancy seafood dishes." Hunter, chuckled.

Jenna chuckled, "I like that idea. Wednesday taking Archie on a gastronomic journey (a journey where someone explores new foods). Maybe he's a bit out of his comfort zone, but hey, that's the fun of it."

Joy, smiling, added, "And Archie can use with his cooking skills. We might have a culinary romance in the making."

You jumped in with a quick exchange, "Looks like we're all food enthusiasts. Maybe after the shoot, we can have a cast cook-off."

 "Count me in for the cook-off, but I'll be the official judge I might bring a book to keep me company. It's the perfect way to enjoy good food and a good read." Jenna said, her eyes meeting yours. The subtle connection between your shared interests didn't go unnoticed by the rest of the group, and a collective smirk spread across their faces except for Percy he didn't quite get it he was just happy to be there. 

================================================================================(1934 words)

i hope this chapter was good enough for you guys

idk feels like im losing it a bit 

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