The only reason he is so strong is because the Samurai came and he got trained by that commander. Though Sakura was pretty cool. She was strong, especially for a clanless konouchi. She was always nice to him, which makes him feel better.

The thing his team had in common though was that they were both good friends with that Naruto boy. Katsuki didn't know much about him. He had seen him around the village. Naruto was always helping villagers on his way even if they sneered at him. He was strong but kind. He watched but was annoyed that everyone in their class liked him. Plus he was friends with all the clan kids. Shikamaru Nara, Choji Akimichi, and one Sasuke Uchiha.

It aggravated him that everyone believed in how powerful the little prince is. Katsuki was strong even if he wasn't some clan prodigy. He even was able to get not one but two elements with different jutsu. Whatever, he'd show everyone that you don't have to be from a clan to be powerful.

"Hey Katsuki." Turning around he looked to see Hinata smiling at him, "Hey Hinata!" The brown haired boy smiled at the girl. "Want to walk till you get with your team?"

"Definitely!" He felt his cheeks flush as he turned to head to training ground seven. "Are you excited to start Hinata?"

"Y-yes. Kiba and Shino will be a good team." She smiled to herself as she thought of her teammates. "How about you?"

"Yeah, but I don't want to be with the Uchiha." He grumbled as he shoved his fists into his pockets. The Hyuuga girls just giggle, "I just don't get why he is so great."

"Well he may not think of himself like that. You should give him a chance." Looking at the girl, he couldn't help but sigh, "I guess but I won't be easy on the clan boy."

"Well good luck!" She gave him a hug before running off. He couldn't help but smile as he walked up to his team. Sasuke was leaning against a post while Sakura was trying to get his attention. Which annoyed teal eyed boy. Every girl seemed to love the damned emo boy.

"Katsuki! You are here!" Sakura left the Sasuke and ran to him. He could swear he saw a sigh of relief from the boy. "Yeah, sorry I'm late but it looks like I beat Sensei Yamato."

"Yeah. We are all still early so it's fine!" Sakura sat down so they could talk. Katsuki was shocked in the change in the pink girl out of know where.

"Good you are all here." Yamato appeared behind them causing Katsuki to jump. "Today we will be performing a test to decide if you will stay Genin or go back to the academy."

"What?!" Sakura yelled, "We are already Genin. What's the point of the finals if we have to pass a final test anyway!"

"Simple. The life a Shinobi is tough. We have to determine whether you are strong enough or not to survive."

"I will be guarding Intel. Your objective is to either capture me or get the Intel." The three Genin looked at eachother before all standing before their sensei. "Good luck."

With that the man disappeared. "We need to come up with a plan." Sasuke looking at Katsuki. "What you think I can't help you or something!"

Sasuke shook his head in irritation, "No I'm not saying that! When the samurai move as a unit they work to-"

Pushing Sasuke back Katsuki shook his head, "I'm going if you want to help then you better follow me." Running off towards his objective, Katsuki moved.

Sasuke landed on a tree not far from where their objective was. He could see Yamato sitting and waiting for them. He didn't seem to worry what so ever about their approach. Sakura wasn't to far off watching like he was to see what Katsuki was going to do.

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