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"I-i trusted you..."
"This is all your fault!"
"You can be serious, you're blaming me, of all people!?!"

"Jisung! Turn that damn tv down before I smash that thing into dust!" Jisungs mother yells from the kitchen as she drinks half of the wine bottle.

"A-sorry Mom..." Jisung apologized and quickly turned it down from 14 to 6. Since his mother was making wracket, Jisung moved closer to the tv.

'Oh how I love Lee Minho, he's such a talented actor. I wish he would do a movie here in ********.' Jisung thought to himself as he admired the teen actor.

"Fuck this! Han Fucking Jisung! Get your ass over here!" Jisungs mother startled him as he quickly turned the tv off and walked to his mother all tense.

"Y-yes Mom?"

Jisungs mother grabbed her empty case cup and smashed it into the floor, shattering it into smithereens, cutting into Jisungs porcelain skin.

"I told you to turn that damn tv down, and what do you do, ignore me! I was trying to be nice! Fuck! I wish that damn abortion worked!" Jisungs mother yelled in little Jisungs face as she smacked him 5 times.
Jisung fell to the floor crying, wanting this all to be a nightmare.
"Why the fuck are you crying? You fucking baby! Take it like a man you fragile little girl!" As Jisungs mother continued to hit, name-calling, and swear at him, Jisung started to think back to his crush, Lee Minho. 'Why are you always on my mind?'


Jisung looked at himself in the mirror, 'damn, Felix is definitely going to ask how I got this black eye. What should I say? Oh, I know, I'll say I hit my eye with a stick or maybe I accidentally got elbowed in the face. Ya, I'll go with that one.'

Jisung grabbed his very used first aid kit and grabbed a few band-aids and an eye patch to cover his black eye. He put the eye patch on, not wanting to see his throbbing eye again, then he put band-aids on his hands, face, and feet from where all the glass cut him.

Jisung lay down with his aching body, thinking about what he had done to get such a horrible mother. Jisungs eyes became watery and a few salty tears escaped. "Mom, why do you hate me so much?" Jisung whispered to himself as he turned onto his side and begin to let small sobs out, thinking about how his life would be if his father had never let him and his mother.


The next day, Jisung woke up in a really bad state. His body was hurting, his head was spinning, and his throat was soar. Jisung got up, even though he didn't want to. He slowly got dressed, then crept down the stairs, as quietly as possible, not wanting to wake his mom up who was sleeping with a bottle on the couch.

Once Jisung arrived at school, a ball of sunshine jumped towards him.

"Jisung! Oh my gosh! What happened to your eye?" Felix asked, with a worried look.
"I-i accidentally got elbowed by this little kid. Don't worry he apologized." I lied.
"Oh okay, you look a little pale, are you okay?"
"Ya, I'm fine, I think I need more sleep. That's all."
"If you feel any worse, call me."
"Alright, you better head to class now, see you later at lunch."

Felix walk off, taking a few glances back at Jisung as he waves at him.

Once the bell rang, Jisung begin to walk toward the school doors, but Jisung's mouth began to water. He knew he was about to throw up so he ran to a bench and vomited in that bush.
Jisung sat down as was trying to catch his energy.

"Hey, are you okay?" a voice from the right called to him. Jisung turned his head as his head began to spin.
"No." Jisung mumbled as he looked at the man's beautiful face.
'Oh my gosh! I think that's Lee Minho!'

Jisung tries to stand up so he can bow politely, but he stumbles and falls in the actor's arms. Minho instantly catches Jisung, as they both fall onto the cold, hard cement. Jisung immediately falls unconscious. Minho lifts the boy off of him, rolling him over on his back. Minho puts his hand on the pale boy's forehead, feeling how hot he felt.

"Oh shit! I should take him to the hospital!" Minho said quickly grabbing his phone to dial 911.

When Jisung woke up, the intense lights burned his eyes, making him rub his eyes. Jisung notices that he is no longer at school but in a hospital room. Jisung swiftly swings his feet out from the bed and stands up, but then, the door opens, exposing the Lee Minho.

"Where do you think you're going so soon?" Minho asks the shocked Jisung.

"I-I need to g-go to school." Jisung stutters as he stares at Minho in disbelief.
'Holy shit! That's the actor from tv! It's the real Lee Minho!' Jisung thought to himself, still staring at him.

"Do you know me from somewhere?" Minho asks with a smirk.


Minho began to walk closer to the stunned teen.

"My name is Lee Minho, I'm the actor from a few tv movies and shows, nice to meet you. What's your name?"

"Han J-Jisung..." "How long have I been here?"

"For about 5 hours, why?"

"Oh shit!" Jisung mumbles in English as he grabs his phone, having 15 missed calls from Felix.

"What's wrong?"

"I-i need to go, before-"

"You need to stay so you can fully recover."

"I can't, I can't spend any more money on the bill, or mom will..."

"Don't worry about the bill, I'll pay. What about your mom, if she knew you were sick, don't you think she would come running by your side to take care of you?"

"S-shes not like other moms." "ill pay you back, I promise."

"You dotn have to, if you want to pay me back, meet me at the small park by the coffee shop tomorrow at 4."

"Oh o-okay." "I must get going now, thank you." Jisung says as he grabs his things and runs out of the hospital room.

He immediately calls Felix,

"Fuck you Jisung! Where have you been? I called you like 16 times! You scared the living shit out of me!"

"You wouldn't believe me if I told you but, as I was walking into the school but I felt my mouth water and I puked in a bush. This man asked me if I was okay but the man turns out to be my crush Lee Minho the actor. I fainted and he took me to the hospital and when I woke up, he was there and he said he would pay for the bills and now he wants to meet with me tomorrow at 4."

"Holy shit! I can't believe this! You better not be joking cause if you are I'll- oh shit! I have to go, the teacher is going to kill me, bye love you see you later!"

"Love you too, bye."

I quickly hung up the phone as I began my journey back to the school.

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