Malleus Maleficarum (5)

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A/N There is an area in the chapter that could be triggering to some people. There is nothing sexual or violent, but it could make some uncomfortable. I don't know how to explain it without spoiling it, but it involves Kylie as a child and a drunk John. It's nothing graphic but I want to give a warning. I don't ever want anyone to be uncomfortable. The area is marked with ****. Thank you everyone for sticking with me! I love you all!

Malleus Maleficarum (5)

Kylie's POV

Dean had pushed himself up to his feet making quick strides in my direction. He pushed Ruby harshly, making the demon stumble backwards.

The world around me was coming to, there wasn't so much spinning and I was able to get air fully into my lungs. Dean wasn't sure if I was getting better or worse as I coughed violently. His calloused hands grabbed my shoulders, pulling me into a sitting position. He patted my back roughly leaving a sting to my skin as a dark residue splashed onto my jeans.

"What did you do?" Dean spat at Ruby. 

She crossed her eyes, unamused, and pulled out the nearest chair sitting on the edge. Her hands dangled between her knees as she kept an eye on me. "It'll make her better. We need to get a move on before your brother is torn a part by witches."

Dean nodded in agreement, but his eyes remained on me. He pulled out a red bandana from his pocket and made a sloppy attempt of cleaning my face. I flinched as he pressed a little to roughly and pulled the cloth from his hand. "I got it." I grumbled.

Ruby grew impatient, standing up to grab Dean's sawed off shotgun from the adjacent bed. She tossed it in the hunter's direction, Dean catching it easily.

"Next time you point that gun at me, I'm not gonna just disappear, understand?" She threatened with a cold look.

"You saved her life." Dean said slowly, trying to wrap his head around the idea as hard as I was. Since when do demons save hunters? Especially the ones that just pointed a gun in their face. I was suspicious of Ruby, not just because she was a demon, but because she had a hidden plan. One that I hadn't figured out yet.

Ruby glanced at me and then quickly back to Dean. "Don't mention it."

"What was that stuff?" He asked, getting a closer look at the residue on his bandana. "God it looks like ass. It smells like ass."

Yeah, well it tasted like ass.

"It's called witchcraft, short bus." Ruby rolled her eyes, annoyed with the situation. She quickly turned on her heel and headed out of the room, slamming the door behind her so roughly that I jumped in my seat.

"You're the short bus . . . short bus." Dean mumbled after her. He furrowed his brows and ducked his chin down slightly, mentally scolding himself about how lame his comeback was. Dean shook his head and turned towards me, his eyes less pouting and showing more concern. "I'm going to get Sam. You stay-"

"Nope." I cut him off and pushed myself to my feet. "I'm not staying back because I got hexed. Whatever Ruby shoved down my throat is making me better. So," I nodded towards the door, "let's get going before Ruby takes off without us." 

Dean hesitated, his eyes searching my body for any signs of injury. His palm tapping nervously against his knee before he pushed himself to his feet. "Let's go then."

I was surprised and thankful when he didn't argue with me. I had a fire building up in my belly, a determination that I had never had before. Maybe it was the adrenaline, maybe it was whatever Ruby fed me. Either way, I wasn't going to waste the feeling.

It wasn't a long ride to find Sam, not with Dean's driving. We got to the Van Allen house before I could even blink, Ruby was waiting outside, her face stone cold and ready to kill per usual. I stepped from the Impala first, I pulled out my gun and kept it low. "So what's the plan?" I questioned Ruby.

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