Ch. 8 - Davy Jones

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Jack's POV

Will then walked up to me. That lad never really looks for me unless that little princess of his is in trouble.

"Jack.", Will said in a firm tone as he spoke to me.

"What?", I asked reluctantly with a slight groan.

"Elizabeth is in danger.", said Will plainly. I knew it. Will is so predictable but I guess that's what happens when you're a eunuch.

"Have you considered keeping a more watchful eye on 'er? Maybe just lock 'er up somewhere.", I suggested half-joking and not really taking this whole situation seriously. "She is, locked up in a prison, bound to hang for saving you!", Will countered.

"There's a time where one must take responsibility for one's mistakes.", I said nonchalantly. In all honesty, they didn't have to free me from the noose, although it was very much appreciated, they shouldn't have done it. For their sakes. Suddenly Will grabbed one of the crew member's sword and pointed at me. What was that for? I swear, this boy has a thing for pointing swords at me for no reason.

"I need that compass, Jack. I must trade it for Elizabeth's freedom.", Will said firmly, glancing a few times at my compass. I just sighed and pushed his sword aside and then turned to Gibbs. "Mr. Gibbs!", I called out to him  "Cap'n.", Gibbs answered back. I then walked over to him  and talked to him in a low but urgent tone.

"We have a need to travel up river.", I said to Gibbs which only peaked his curiosity. "By need, d'you mean a trifling need? Uh... fleeting as in, say, a passing fancy?", Gibbs asked. "No, a resolute and unyielding need." I said to him in a slightly louder tone.

"What we need to do is set sail to Port Royal with all haste.", Will said in a hurried manner. I just sighed and then decided to bargain with him. "William... I shall trade you the compass if you help me to find... this. ",I bargained with him, showing Will the cloth that had a drawing of a key.

"You want me to find this?", Will asked with obvious confusion. I then shook my head and corrected him "No. You want you to find this. Because the finding this find you incapacitorially finding and/or locating and your discovering the detecting of a way to save dolly belle o'l... what's-her-face. Savvy?", I bargained with Will as he thought about what I was saying.

"This... is going to save Elizabeth?", Will questioned. "How much do you know of Felicity's father, Davy Jones?", I asked him in a slightly hushes tone. Will thought for a minute before answering me "... Not much. Wait, did you say that Davy Jones is Felicity's father?", Will asked more confused. I just nodded "I'll explain that later.", I whispered to him as we continued to sail up river.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 08, 2023 ⏰

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