𝐢. 𝗎𝗇𝖾𝗑𝗉𝖾𝖼𝗍𝖾𝖽 𝖿𝖺𝗅𝗅𝗂𝗇𝗀𝗌.

474 12 10

april, 2020
❝ well don't thank me yet, you still gotta choose angel.❞

MAYBE IT'S TIME I stop trusting the weather app, thought Lou as she watched the drops fall, each second that passed, the pressure increasing slowly against the pavement

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MAYBE IT'S TIME I stop trusting the weather app, thought Lou as she watched the drops fall, each second that passed, the pressure increasing slowly against the pavement.

Everyone knows the weather app can't always be 100% accurate, but just this one day, it would've been nice without the unexpected rain. A simple sunny day to enjoy a stroll with the members, that would've been great; but, alas, it wasn't meant to be.

"Aish," Beomgyu huffed as he glared at the greying sky through the café window. "Stupid weather. Also,"

The younger spinned around in his seat, eyes roaming the packed vicinity of the café. "What's taking Yeonjun hyung so long ?"

Lou tsked as she looked at the boy, his hair just brushing the collar of his sweater - well, Lou's sweater, actually.

"You're worried about the umbrella ? I'm more worried about how long it'll take Kai to order." she looks at the remaining three of her members, coincidentally lined beside each other from tallest to shortest.

While Yeonjun had gone in search of an umbrella in the little attached store, Beomgyu and Lou were seated at a table as the await the rest to finish up ordering some hot beverages.

"But noona," Beomgyu puts on his whiny face, frowning now as he looks at the girl. "What if Yeonjun hyung doesn't get the umbrella I want."

Lou chuckles, raising her brows at the boy. "You're serious about this koala umbrella huh ?"

"So serious." he states firmly, crossing his arms over his chest.

Albeit the shake of her head, Lou decides to give in to his puppy eyes and goes to find Yeonjun, and make sure he gets the damn kid his koala umbrella. The store wasn't big, so finding him was easy - but it was the boy's look of contemplation, as he stared down at the two different boxes in his hands, that stopped her in her tracks.

There yeonjun stood, five umbrellas hooked on his arm, two boxes of different branded sanitary pads in his hands.

"Ye-yeonjun ?"

Her voice didn't even make her flinch, and instead, he turns his neck to meet her wide-eyed gaze.

"Ah, Lou, perfect timing !" he smiles as she approaches slowly, her hands clasped behind her back as she looked between the boxes and his gaze.

"Is that so ?"

He hums, before holding up the boxes up for her to see better. "Which one do you want ?"

Lou's brows shoot up her forehead. "Wha-what ?"

Yeonjun sighs as he looks at her, a sudden serious look in his dark brown eyes. "I accidentally opened your girly cabinet in the bathroom while rushing to find my toothbrush that, that kid hid,"

He momentarily makes a look of annoyance, remembering how he had to chase Beomgyu and Kai around the dorm as they played pass the parcel with his toothbrush.

"So I noticed it was empty, and a new month is starting. I know your mood usually changes around the three quarters into the month so I assume that's when it happens. So, since we're nearing that time, and I only have enough cash on me for one unfortunately because I know you actually use both of these,"

He shakes the two boxes in front of me frozen, bewildered face. "Which one ?"

Lou was at a loss for words as she stared up at the taller boy in front of her, his bleached his peaking out from under the knitted beanie he wore. He always looked good in everything he wore, and that never went unnoticed to Lou; but this was something she failed to notice about Choi Yeonjun.

Had he always been this observant to her ?

It touched her heart in a way she hadn't expected - this feeling was dormant to her. It was a feeling she buried after that jerk shattered her heart... but now, here it arises from the pits. She didn't think it would happen with one of the members but, here she was, falling in love with the boy before her.

"Oh ? Lou, are you crying ?"

She twists on her heels to face the shelves, avoiding his searching eyes. "What ? No, it's like you said. It's that time of the month month so, my emotions are all over the place. I'm just, very appreciative of what you're doing so, thanks."

Lou clears her throat as she crossed her arms, pursing her lips as she blinks tears away.

"Well don't thank me yet, you still gotta choose angel."

That nickname - that's the first time he's used it, and it's definitely achieving it's goal of stirring her heart. Yeonjun smiles secretly as he stares at the side of her face, subconsciously admring her features as he awaited her pick.

"The purple one." Lou said softly as she looked down at her shoes, tapping the purple pack.

"Cool, let's go now, I am craving hot chocolate." he grabbed the girls hand, he cheeks heating up as he intertwines their fingers.

does this count as short ?

❝ 𝐁𝐥𝐮𝐞 𝐇𝐨𝐮𝐫 ❞ 𖧵 𝑡𝑥𝑡 𝑎𝑑𝑑𝑒𝑑 𝑚𝑒𝑚𝑏𝑒𝑟 Where stories live. Discover now