4. The nightmare begins

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I woke up with a massive headache. Yesterday was too much for me; it still feels like a ridiculous dream. Me, being another person's toy?... how absurd! I share the room with the other maids I met before, they all apologized to me about that Emily case. It turns out that this girl actually existed, but disappeared without a trace. No one knows where she is, they guessed she could be in the basement. Sir Integra warned them to go down there, unless they wanted a quick death, that is why they asked me to go. Thanks a lot girls!

But then, I wasn't allowed to tell them about the incident with that man I had. That would be the death... of me. I made up a story to get them off my back, as they keep on begging me to tell them. The Week went by like a normal day. That tall man hasn't appeared ever since. The girls and I became good friends. According to Walter, we aren't allowed to make any friends with other people. But that didn't stop me to meet the Wild Geese and a young woman named, Seras Victoria. While no one's looking we talk sometimes to one another, thankfully they all know how to keep a secret.

Unfortunately, it all changed one night.

Walter told me that Sir Integra is expecting me. As I stood in front of her desk, she informed me that my job as a maid is no longer needed, as of today... I am a soldier. Captain Bernadotte will take care of me while training and Seras Victoria will be my partner. I wasn't sure of what to think of this, but then, I don't have much choice now do I? I receive a new room, all to myself and new uniform. It was shocking, as I inspected my clothes. "So...short..." As I asked Walter for a pair of trousers, he told me to stop asking him useless questions. Come one, how is that useless? I can't kill monsters with erotic moves now can I? Although, that would be pretty awesome.

I was trained for two months now and according to the captain, I become a reliable member. That's what he said. After that it didn't take long for me to go on my first mission. I was ready to defend myself and others, my teamwork is perfect and I even gained respect from the Wild geese to join their group. Everything was ready to go.

But Sir Integra had other plans...for me.

Instead of wiping out some ghouls nearby, she wanted me to travel to Germany. She had information of cargo, which delivers a massive amount of coffins to England. In the meantime many workers have gone missing; no one knows where they are.

Since Walter has checked my background, he knew I speak German. But that's not all. Mr. Bernadotte and Seras aren't coming along either; instead I have to go with Alucard.

After I met him that one night, I haven't seen him since and the thing with me being his toy was obviously a bluff, just to frighten me. Walter had everything planned out, our flight goes tonight. I really had hoped that I don't have to see this man again ... ever. And now I have to spend time with a scary creep as my partner, in a foreign place, all alone and a mission which contains only two people. What is Integra thinking? If this is supposed to be a joke...it's not a funny one. Could it get any worse?


The tickets were fine, but the booking for the hotel is ridiculous... a honeymoon suit. "What the hell Walter!"

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