The end

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"You what?!!"

The outburst of Elain was heard even through the closed door of the king's room in his wooden hut, which he had refused to move from even after his coronation. Bard's daughter Tilda was sure to hear, she wouldn't even have needed to eavesdrop behind the door. And of course Sigrid would return home in a minute, as the arrival of Bard in Dale had caused great excitement and thus a great commotion amongst the inhabitants of Dale. Everyone wanted to know, what Bard had been up to in Mirkwood forest, and most of all his daughters. And of course Elain. 

"You slept with the elfking? Are you mad?!", he shouted now, making Bard growing smaller and smaller in his chair. "Do you quite unterstand what that means? In elven eyes, you're practically married already! How are you going to explain that to everyone?"

"I know, I know!", Bard shot back in reply, but his voice was weak. "I shouldn't have let it happen. But you don't know how convincing an elf is, especially not if he is a mighty king and tries to seduce you."

"Don't tell me you couldn't have refused", Elain responded, now somewhat calmer. 

"I know, I am stupid", the king of Dale said and hid his head behind his knees. 

"Do you love him?"

Bard startled and looked up. 


"Do you love him?", Elain asked once more, coming to sit in a chair opposite from Bard. He placed a comforting hand on his king's knee. The anger had vanished from his senses. 

"You of all should know what I feel", Bard mumbled, ashamed. 

"I only asked to make sure you didn't change your mind", his friend answered. "I'll tell you what you'll do. Go out there and tell them the truth. I guess you'll be off in Mirkwood quite some time in the near future, so why not give them the real reason? Even though it wasn't the smartest thing you ever did, I know it makes you happy. And what could be better for a kingdom than a happy king?"

Bard only nodded. Then he took a deep breath and stood up.

"I better talk to the people before my daughter Tilda spreads rumors that might be just a little bit exagerated", he sighed and walked to the door. But there he halted and turned around. "Thank you, Elain. I don't know, what I would do without you."

He gave his servant and best friend a hug, which comforted both of them. It was Bard's way of apologizing and showing his gratitude, and Elain's way of encouraging his king. His life would undergo major changes, but Elain knew they were for the good. 

"I'll make dinner", he whispered against Bard's shoulder.

Tilda of course loved the course of action her dad's love life had taken, and before he could catch her, she was up and away to tell her friends all about it. They'd have a lot to giggle about in the next few weeks. But she knew that her dad knew that she supported him whatever he did. 

With a smile on his lips, Bard opened the door of his house and stepped out onto the low balcony. The croud beneath him immediately stopped conversing or gossiping and looked at him expectantly. Out of the corner of his eyes, Bard saw his daughter Sigrid with her betrothed. She was holding his hand while smiling lovingly up at her dad. When she noticed, that he had become aware of her, she gave a slight nod. Bard took a deep breath and spoke.


And thus it was that the third and last bondage between human and elf came to be. Before them existed only Beren and Lúthien, Aragorn and Arwen. But now two new names would be added to the list: Thranduil and Bard. History would remember them as the trading kings, since under their united rule over the kingdoms of Mirkwood and Dale, their countries grew rich and powerful, with fields rich of grain and trees full of fruit. With cities full of music and dance, with playing children and loving parents. With happy women and men and above all, a happy king. 

"I'm glad they didn't call us the horny kings, 'cause I'm sure it would have fitted", Bard said one day to Thranduil. The elf smirked.

"You don't know how much gold I had to bribe the journalists with", he answered, stroking a strand of hair behind Bard's ear. "But I'd pay it over and over again to have you at my side."

Bard smiled, as Thranduil captured him in a sweet and loving kiss. Oh, how he loved that elf!

Done, finally! I know it's not the best ending but it's the best I can do right now so hope you still like it. I know the style is a bit different from the beginning, but I don't think it matters that much. If you liked this story, please leave some feedback in the comments, it really helps to keep me motivated (I still have another ongoing story so I do need the motivation). Thanks for reading!

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