World Above

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To respect Mischief's space, Flurry ate her meal apart from him while keeping him in her sight, how could she not have seen the signs, how could she not have seen that he was doubting himself and whether he was good enough for her, she thought that they were content as a couple, but the more she thought about it, the more she realized that it was what she thought of the whole thing, she didn't even think of asking Mischief about how he felt about the wedding and their future, he seemed so sure when he had proposed to her that enchanted evening 


They had just completed another mission provided by the Cutie Map, this time, it was just the two of them in Mischief's hometown of Hollow Shades, they had to defeat miners who wanted to mine a vein of rare crystals on behalf of their evil sorceress boss, all through the mission, Mischief had seemed fidgety, like he wanted to say or do something, they had exhausted all possible options until Mischief finally lost patience and went wolf on the miners, thankfully, he didn't attack them; he only scared them and their sorceress friend enough to surrender, when they went to a restaurant that night, Mischief didn't seem to be happy, if anything, he looked, ashamed 

Flurry Heart calmly: Mischief, what's wrong 

Mischief sighed in both shame and defeat: I really wish you didn't see what happened this afternoon 

Flurry Heart: With you turning into a wolf 

Mischief nodded sadly: Yeah, I get like that sometimes, whenever I get really angry or someone I care about gets threatened, it's like pure animal instinct takes over, I wanted to tell you first, but I was afraid you 

Flurry Heart: Wouldn't like it 

He nodded again, she touched his hooves in comfort 

Flurry Heart: Mischief, what matters is that we're honest with each other, we need to say these things so they don't come out so, unexpectedly 

Mischief: So, how did you react when I turned into a wolf 

Flurry Heart: Truthfully, I was surprised to see you so angry and aggressive 

When she saw him hang his head in shame, she lifted his chin so she could see his eyes 

Flurry Heart: But that doesn't mean I love you any less, I want to be with you through thick and thin, through rough times and smooth times, I want to be with you no matter what you transform into, I don't care if you turn into a wolf or a bear or even a frog, I love you, Mischief, and that's all that matters 

She gave him a kiss to reassure him, his smile returned to his face and the sparkle came back into his green eyes 

Mischief softly: You know, there was a very good reason why I acted the way I did, not just when I transformed into a wolf, but my agitation and impatience before it happened 

He stood up as he dug into his jagged mane, he chuckled 

Mischief: I actually had a whole speech prepped, but I think you already said what I wanted to say, so now I just need to do this 

Her heart fluttered as he got down on one knee and pulled out a ring box from inside his mane, when he opened it to reveal a diamond ring inside, she almost covered her wide smile with her hooves 

He spoke with hope in his warm eyes 

Mischief: Princess Flurry Heart of the Crystal Empire, will you marry me 

She wrapped her arms tightly around her beloved as she ecstatically answered 

Flurry Heart: Yes, yes, a thousand times yes 

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