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Hello and welcome to chapter 3
The dragon started had followed cale and was starting at cale while the health potion bottle still in his little paws.

"Hey little one" caleis greeted the dragon. The little dragon didn't notice caleis and was surprised to see him "Who are you! Oh wait your the white haired human who almost fell on top of me and the human(cale) when we were escaping" The dragon recalled caleis who almost fell on the two after seeing choi han punch the wall with mere strength but breaking it. He had already read in the tcf but it was surprising to see from his own eyes.

"Yes that's me and you should forgot about it that was quite embarrassing for me" Caleis smiled at the little dragon who didn't know what to do next so he thought about leaving.

Caleis saw the dragon thinking of leaving so he pulled something out from his pocket and gave it to the dragon.

The dragon flinched at the sudden movement but saw him with some a packet of weird food. Caleis had beacrox make him cookies as beacrox had a soft spot for his little brother of joy he baked some for him before there adventure to rescue the dragon. Advantage of being cute and adorable hehehe. "There cookies they were made by my brother beacrox" He opened the bag of cookies taking one out and giving to Roan(dragon) to try.

(Even tho cale hasn't named him yet I will call him Roan I don't wanna call him dragon anymore)

Roan was suspicious of the cookie hut took a bit. It was delicious he thought the cookies were heavenly food but stopped his smile hearing caleis giggle "H-hey don't laugh at me you ....umm.. weak human ya weak human!" He was flustered seeing caleis giggle "Hehe sorry little one it's just everyone had a similar response like your at first eating beacrox hyung cookies so sorry" caleis patted Roan and gave him the cookies.

"Were you like this too when you tried his cookies?" Roan asked caleis "Yes I was at that time I think I was 6 or 7 it was the most delicious thing I ever ate and cakes too if you revel yourself you taste my big brother amazing coking and more cookies too" caleis was doing this because he was bored and wanted entertainment.

Roan denied and left with the cookies. Caleis decided to go sleep in his room leaving after Roan had left.
__timeskip next day________

The next morning waking up caleis looked at cale who was going down he greeted cale and they walked to see choi han there.

Choi han talked about how the soldiers shouldn't have been here today.

Cale and caleis sat on a table with the old man giving cale a hangover drink. While Ron gave caleis some Lemon honey tea. Caleis complained not liking lemon but drink it cause he didn't want to upset his father figure.

The soldiers looked at cale and caleis. They both were dead gorgeous cale having longer hair than the original was quite making him look more handsome/beautiful in there eyes.

After sometime they left while eyeing the duo one last time.


They left the inn now while in the carriage the cat asked if they have to camp outside and cale replied yes since they needed to make haste in order to get there at time.

Caleis was excited about camping and so it was fun for all of them. The soldiers keep wanting to protect the duo one who's cold but kind and ones who's bright and nice.

Next day they found a dead animal brought by Roan while cale was annoyed the others were happy.

Next 5 days were same they kept having dead animals and it was now normal and fun for everyone to see the shy dragon leaving dead animals.

They finally arrived and since the festival was a day before the rooms were cheap and the experience was first for everyone in the new place with rock towers around.

Choi han,On and hong were excited to see the rock tower but for on and hong poor soul the butler Hans ruined there fun to make a wish getting them angry.

After Hans left Cale talked to Ron's while caleis played with On and hong. He was getting chill by the old man now he ordered Ron to leave then left the room to see Hans.

" Me,choi han,caleis and on and hong and you will be visiting the rock tower" cale said that and they all left.

While walking cale noticed Taylor and cage. He stared at them listening to there conversation as well "That guy seems hot but I didn't think you would be gay" caleis smiled teasingly at cale who only scolded him. Hans told how he knew Taylor and explained to him and caleis.

They finally reached there cale thought it to be quite normal while on and hong were disappointed. Choi han went and made a wish cale thought hoe choi han had a happy life in the past so he would be wishing to go back home.

Choi han asked why cale and caleis weren't making any wishes cale replied "I don't make wishes since it will cause me to have expectations It's more comfortable living life without expectations" Cale looked at cakeis now waiting for his answer " what about you caleis" he asked caleis "I agree with cale plus I am too lazy and If I could I would wish for lots of gold" Caleis smiled thinking about gold. While cale agreed with him.

__Next day___

Cale took choi han and left to get the ancient power and Ron had followed too this time caleis also followed.

Choi han told Cake about how Ron was dangerous and how similar Caleis was to him so he suspected him but said nothing bad about caleis in any way Ron and caleis stared down at them.

Cale replied Ron was just a servant and Caleis would never hurt him even if he did he would endure it rather than fight him because caleis was his no cakes first friend and always believed in him. This made caleis happy to hear.

After cake left Ron went to choi han and talked about he was the one to raise and change his poopy diaper and more like in the tcf. Then Calies appeared "I didn't expect cale thought of me like that I am very happy he's also my frist firend and best friend Hehe see dad cale loves me more than you and choi han" Caleis smiled knowing that cale knew caleis would never abandon him.

To be continued

Have a great day its late and I need sleep goodnight my lovelys please leave idea if you have any and my update might be slow tommrow is my Result so I hope not to die. If I don't update I am dead sorry sweethearts.

Tcf Ron's Youngest And Cale Best friend Where stories live. Discover now