"What's happening?" She asked.

"Villagers started fainting after you left and some have weird symbols on them, the doctors say it's poison!" Her eyes widened.

Anna followed her back to the infirmary below the castle. She didn't know what she expected but this was far worse. People laying on beds coughing and covered in orange symbols. The soldiers at the door immediately ran to stop her from entering.

"You highness stay back!" Soldiers attempted to pushed her out but she stood her ground.

"What's happening!?" She asked. A yellow cloud hovered above the room.

"One of the villagers threw a gas bomb, we don't know what's in it but it's been affecting the horribly!" One of them said. That's when he began to cough. However it was spit that came out. It was blood. Anna's eyes widened. A nurse rushed over to help the guard while the other guard had to push the queen out.

"Where's George? And the General? The Minister?!" She asked. The guard gave her a sorry look.

"Your Highness please leave, this whole room is contaminated!" The nurse said. They pushed her out one last time and closed the door.
Anna stood in despair with only the sound of pained villagers and coughs to comfort her.
Eventually a maid led her back upstairs while another butler attended to her.

"303 dead" it was 4pm when she was given a proper report. She was  in the throne room looking out the window. She hadn't said a word since she got out of the infirmary. She was strangely quiet.

"Including General Samuel Rhoades, Minister of Agriculture Evan Hansen and Sir George Vansulk" the butler announced with a heavy heart. He was much younger than George and had been training under the old geezer for almost two years.
The doors opened and in came the night patrol guards, Honeymaren and Elsa with Olaf trailing behind her. The white haired woman went up to the butler.

"You can dispose now Xavier" the man gave her a nod and left. Elsa looked at her sister.

"Anna, I'm so sorry" the queen didn't react. Elsa went up to her and gentle rested a hand on her shoulder. Olaf went up to his friend. Anna looked at him and gave him a small smile with a pat of the head.

"Could you give us an instant?" Elsa asked. The guards nodded and left. Honeymaren gave her a concerned look before she left as well. When the door closed silence engulfed them.
It didn't take long for Anna to break down. Elsa held her arms the whole time as she cried.

"I could've saved them" she cried silently in her sister's arms. Elsa shook her head.

"Sadly that poison would've killed you as well, I'm just glad you weren't infected" Anna cried even harder. She had worked so hard to make sure nothing like that ever happened.

"Where did I go wrong" she whispered. Elsa had no answer. All she could do was hold her and wish to appease her pain.
That night Elsa stayed in the castle. Honeymaren stayed in a room inside the castle as well.
The next day was even worse. The villagers were in a frenzy. They had questions and demanded answers to them as well. Not to mention, the stress that came with the events of the day before.

"So what do we have?" Anna asked as she walked into the meeting room. She hadn't slept. It was hard to with anxiety she had.

"Not much sadly, over thousands of kilometers of burnt land and most of the animals seemed to have died in the fire" Mattias said. Anna looked at Elsa and Honeymaren.

"The wind says it started with a spark," Elsa said as a breeze surrounded her. The wind flew to Anna.

"It says: 'The air around the area wasn't from me, it was hostile, almost like it was aiming to only harm us all'," Honeymaren explained. Anna looked down thoughtfully. There must be something more to it.

"Should we maybe ask the trolls for help?" Christoph suggested.

"The trolls?" Mattias asked. Elsa nodded.

"Yeah I mean, what else do we have? Our other option would be to rely on the investigation but if it's something magical based the trolls could help" he said with a shrug. Christoph looked at his wife. Anna nodded.

"Fine, Elsa, Honeymaren and Christoph go talk to them" she said. She turned to the general.

"Mattias I need you and your men to rest for the evening-"

"I'll come with you, my men can rest" she sighed and nodded. There was no use in insisting.

"Fine, we need to go back to the forest and look for more clues there" she turned around and left with Olaf behind her.
Back in the forest, she was welcomed by the forest trolls. Their elder approached the queen.

"Your Highness, all my condolences," Pabbie said. He could see the sadness and frustration both in her eyes and body movements.

"Thank you Pabbie, right now what I need however is your help" she said kneeling. She took something out of her pocket and showed it to him. It was a small bottle with a piece of the bomb in it. Pabbie looked at it for a second and then at her.

"So?" Anna asked. He sighed. He closed his eyes and touched the bottle. His mind began to race. Shadows, colors and then...
A face.
However before he got to see it an explosion of yellow and orange.
He gasped as his eyes opened.

"Grand Pabble?" One of his trolls asked. Pabbie looked at Anna then turned to the devastated forest.

"The yellow dragon" he said. Anna frowned. The name sounded familiar however she wasn't sure where she had heard it.

"Like the legend?" Mattias asked from behind her. She looked at him.

"The what?" He chuckled.

"Nothing just an old legend about a dragon that was killed by a soldier from Arendelle, they say that the eggs it left behind hatched into a curse" he said kneeling to Pabbie's level. He looked at the old troll.

"You don't think this legend is true is it?" He asked. The troll sighs.

"Some legends are just hidden truths, the yellow dragon is real and it seems his eggs have come to hatch" Anna didn't understand a thing.

"But why now? Why in the castle and what does that have to do with the forest and the dead people?" She asked. Pabbie looked at the forest.

"They're acting according to the elements" he turned back to Anna.

"The yellow stone had five eggs, the first one must be the air-"

"Which explains the gas bomb in the castle" Elsa said. Pabbie nods.

"The next egg must've been the earth" he said.

"But we found the forest first?" Honeymaren said.

"Yes which what I fear the most," he said.

"What does that mean?" Anna asked.

"This means the earth egg isn't done hatching" one of the trolls said.

"Which means until it is the earth and the forest mostly will suffer" Pabbie added. He looks at the queen again.

"You must find the yellow dragon and stop that" he said. He kneeled and began to draw on the ground.

"The land of wrath, it's a far away land where the yellow dragon died,  his body is still there, you must find it and get one of his scales" he said. He stepped back showing them the map.

"The land of wrath?" Anna asked. She had never been there.

"That's too far from here and too dangerous" Mattias said.

"He's right that's on the Ophalius Kingdom territory" Elsa said.

"The Ripple Moon land" Anna said. She had read about it before. The land itself wasn't the problem it was the people. They were all mercenaries ruthless and cruel. Their King was the worst according to the archives. He was a known murderer who killed his father for the throne.

"You can't go there Anna it's way too dangerous" Mattias said. Anna looked back at Pabbie.

"Is there any other way?" He shook his head.

"Sadly no, this curse will keep killing until you get the scales, and if you don't it will kill everyone in Arendelle" Anna sighed. She stood up again. She had to go. She had to find it.
Hopefully it wouldn't cost her her life.

Has llegado al final de las partes publicadas.

⏰ Última actualización: Apr 17, 2023 ⏰

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