Chapter Eight

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February 1998

A week later, Robin was preparing to go to Napoleon's for dinner. She'd invited Samantha, Carrie, Charlotte, and Miranda to her place beforehand so they could chat.

Samantha handed out drinks from the kitchen as Robin turned and showed off her outfit, which was all from DKNY, since she'd decided to be more casual because they weren't going out. She thought the orange clay-colored utility joggers and cropped ivory sweater paired nicely with the black mesh bomber jacket she'd chosen.

"Wear these!" Carrie called as she emerged from Robin's closet and rejoined them in the living room.

She was holding a pair of black wedge sneakers. Robin nodded her approval and took them, sitting down to put them on and blowing Samantha a kiss as she brought her a gin and tonic.

"No jewelry at all?" Carrie asked for the fourth time, making Robin laugh.

"None, Carrie," Robin assured her, winking.

Her make-up was also very minimal and done in earth tones. She'd piled her hair on top of her head in her usual messy bun. The only accessory she was going to carry was a wrist bag embossed with a crocodile pattern in a lovely mustard color. She grabbed it and checked its contents one more time as she sipped her drink.

"That's all you're bringing?" Samantha wondered. "Aren't you staying the night?"

"I don't think so. I get the feeling that he wants to take it slow."

"That's smart," Charlotte decided. "You have to be careful about how quickly you sleep with a man, or he won't be serious about you."

"That's an assumption we'll have to unpack later," Robin laughed.

"Maybe he's even going to ask you to marry him before you have sex," Charlotte persisted.

Robin blinked. "No one is talking about marriage yet, Char."

"He did," Charlotte reminded her. "Maybe he'll move fast."

"I'm not in a hurry," Robin protested. "I'd prefer to keep that kind of pressure off of the whole situation for now."

"Especially considering the other day," Miranda chimed in, referring to the fashion show. "Are you going to ask why he was so shitty?"

"I don't know. I still haven't decided if we should just move past it."

"You shouldn't," Charlotte advised her firmly. "You can't start a marriage with secrets."

"We're not getting married, Charlotte," Robin pointed out patiently.

"Whatever happens, don't forget to have fun," Samantha cut in.

"I agree with Samantha," Carrie gave her two cents. "Just play it by ear and see what happens. You don't need a big plan. And don't forget that we're going to a movie later, so if you're done with Napoleon before then, you should join us."

They finished their drinks and headed down to the lobby. Robin gave them all hugs and kisses before packing them into a cab so they could go out for the evening.

Right on cue, a very fancy car pulled up to the curb. Robin smirked as Napoleon got out of it, grinning from ear to ear. He was clearly quite pleased to be showing it off.

"One of the sports cars you mentioned?" she guessed.

"Indeed," he confirmed as he opened the passenger door for her.

He took her hand to help her in, but she didn't bend just yet. "What is it? I know absolutely nothing about cars, but I can sense that you're dying to tell me."

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