"Please, Snow, can we go inside? I really want to see what it's like in there," Haru said, tugging at her sleeve.

Her mind was conflicted, as much as she wanted to return Haru back to where he came from, she couldn't refuse his innocent request. Haru was trying to be cute, which only made it harder for Snow to say no.

Snow hesitated, but then smiled and said, "Okay, but we have to be very careful. We don't want to get in trouble."

Haru beamed with excitement, and Snow couldn't help but feel a sense of warmth in her heart.

"Wow, this place is huge!" Haru exclaimed as they entered a grand hall.

"Yes, it is," Snow replied with a smile. "It's the home of the king and his family, after all."

Haru looked up at Snow with admiration. "You're really brave, you know that? Sneaking into the palace like this."

Snow chuckled nervously. "I don't know about that. I'm just trying to make sure you have a good time."

"Well, I'm having a great time!" Haru said with a grin.

As Snow and Haru wandered through the halls of the palace, the grandeur and opulence of the interior left Haru in awe. The walls were adorned with intricate tapestries, depicting scenes of royal life and grand battles, and the floors were polished to a high shine, reflecting the flickering light of the chandeliers above. Snow, meanwhile, was more preoccupied with avoiding any prying eyes that might recognize her and Haru's unauthorized presence.

As they walked further into the palace, they passed by doorways leading to various rooms, each of which seemed to be more magnificent than the last. In one room, there was a grand piano surrounded by plush chairs, while in another, there were towering bookshelves filled with leather-bound volumes. Haru was fascinated by everything, and kept asking Snow about the purpose of each room they passed.

Snow felt anxious about the possibility of being caught, but she considered the possibility of posing as a palace maid to avoid suspicion. As for Haru, she could explain that he was lost and she was helping him find his way out of the palace.

However, despite her nervousness, Snow couldn't help but feel a sense of joy seeing Haru so happy. She knew the risk she was taking, but for now, all she wanted was to make sure Haru had a memorable day.

Although Snow is not familiar with the young boy.

As Snow and Haru turned the corner, they were suddenly confronted by a group of panicked maids. The maids, who were dressed in matching black and white uniforms, were frantically searching for someone. Some were darting in and out of rooms, while others were pacing back and forth.

Snow and Haru both looked startled by the sudden encounter. Snow could feel her heart racing as she tried to assess the situation. Haru's expression was one of confusion and curiosity, as he looked up at the frantic maids.

"Have you seen His Highness?" one of the maids inquired in a concerned tone.

"I saw him in the garden just a little while ago," replied another maid, looking visibly worried.

Snow couldn't help but wonder who the maids were talking about. She glanced at Haru, hoping he could offer some insight, but he looked just as confused as she was. Snow felt a sense of unease, knowing that they were in a place where they shouldn't be, and the last thing they wanted was to get caught up in someone else's problems.

"There you are, Your Highness!" one of the maids exclaimed, clutching at her chest as if she were about to have a heart attack.

As the maids approached, Haru immediately sought refuge behind Snow. "I'm sorry, I don't want to go with you. Snow is going to give me a tour of the palace," he declared.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 19, 2023 ⏰

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