Polybius: The Game That Never Existed Part 2

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Scene 5
Polybius Arrives: 

(Opening door of Arcade)
(Crowd gasp)

Victor: Um, who are they?

Chloe: Men in black suits?

(Boot footsteps)

Quinn: What are they doing?

Victor: Shh. Don't talk.

Quinn: Why not?

Victor: I —I don't know. But don't say a word.
You don't want to wake up with one of your kidneys missing. Might be the mafia.

Oliver: No. No, it's not.
It looks like they're delivering something.

Chloe: What is it?
Are you sure that they're delivery men?
Do delivery men wear suits and black hats?

Quinn: They're wearing sunglasses too.

Oliver: It was sunny out and more people are beginning to wear their sunglasses at nignt.
Coin Opp is always getting new arcade cabinets. Maybe this one is special because it's Halloween tomorrow?

Chloe: But do you feel their aura like I do?
I can't move.

Victor: Shh. 

(Sound of men passing by)

Tommy: (whispering voice) Gretch?
Gretch: (nervous low voice) Yes, Tommy?
Tommy: Did you order a new game on Devil's night?
Gretch: I don't know — I guess so?
Are these the contractors?
Tommy: Ask them. You're the owner.

Gretch: (louder) Hello? (To Men in Black) Hello?
(Sound of arcade game being placed on the ground)

Tommy: (Annoyed) Check ya later.

Gretch: Okay then. They're leaving?
Don't I need to sign something?

(Sound of door closing)

Gretch: What? Wow. That was weird.
(Snaps fingers) Tommy snap out of it.
Look at it. What is this?

Tommy: I don't know Gretch.
Maybe some MK-Utlra device.

Gretch: (Quietly to Tommy) Don't be stupid. It's an arcade cabniet! Where did this game even come from?
Did you ever hear about it?

Tommy: Gretch, I don't know. Those men looked really strange. Like some good-for-nothing afternoon farmers.

Are these kids going to even like it? It looks not well-known. It doesn't look like your typical game.
It looks really old.
It better not have been MK-Ultra'd.
I've heard about these kinds of stories from people on the streets. They are getting tested on by the CIA. I'm telling you it's true!

Gretch: That's a bunch of hogwash. Conspiracy theories. Are you out of your cotton picking mind?

This was free!
Do you know what this means for me?
This could bring in a lot more business.
The bills aren't going to pay themselves.

So —Let's get those kids lined up.
It better not waste up any of my floorspace!
It might be a money-making machine.

Tommy: Not as good as Pinball.
That always draws in the crowds.

Gretch: The wrong kind of crowds. We need these kids to spend their parents' money. We need food!

Tommy: And TOYS!

Gretch: And —-As long as we get money from it — I'm good. If we get nothing — then I'm tossing it out! 

I'm going to put it on "free to play" tonight. It looks like junk. If they come back at the end of the month, we'll see what they do with the quarters.

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