Chapter 10

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(Gwen's POV)

My wedding is tomorrow. Tomorrow is my wedding. I am getting married to Duncan. Duncan is getting married to me. I will be a bride. Duncan will be a groom. Duncan will become my husband. I will become his wife.

If this is what people go through when they get married, please promise me this is the last time I am having a wedding. The anxiety is slowly eating me alive and killing me inside.

Okay Gwen, now go to sleep. Sleep is good. You enjoy sleeping. Now do it!

I couldn't sleep. It was 2 am and I have tried everything. I guess today/tomorrow is going to be a happy, long day.




I woke up at 9 courtesy of my mother who was calling me from downstairs to eat breakfast. I had stayed over tonight, for old times sake. And I missed my mother. She was my mum. That's the best I could reason it.

I rubbed my face then rolled down the stairs into the kitchen.

"Gwen, darling, I've made you some chocolate chip pancakes and I'll put the crumpets in the toaster in a sec." She said placing them inside the device.

"Mmmm, my favourites." I said before taking a sip from my coffee.

"I know." She gave me an affectionate look. One of those looks where you love someone and are truly proud of them for something at the same time.

"I just can't believe you're getting married." She said.

"Were you expecting me to die alone or something?" I asked defensively.

"Not that, it's just that it's so soon."

"Mum I'm twenty six." I stated.

"You know what I mean. I'm just so proud of you, girl." She said handing me the butter covered crumpets and plate with a stack of the pancakes she made me.

(Duncan's POV)

Me, Geoff and Trent had some sort of pre-wedding sleepover, like we did for Geoff, but at my house.

"Dude, you nervous? Excited? Scared?" Asked Geoff elbowing my arm.

"I feel hungry. Let's go eat some breakfast!" I said walking halfway down the stairs.

"Let's feast. Then we party!" He said excitedly sliding down the bar on the side of the stairs. "That was sick dude! Try it Trent." He said with his party attitude.

Trent looked slightly hesitant, but did it anyway. Geoff just brings out the party in people.

"You sure this is going to work?" Asked Trent with pleading eyes.

"It's all cool bruh. It will all be fine, and you'll be walking off into the sunshine with Gwen in no time." I assured Trent.

"Just gotta keep your head in the plan!" Said Geoff flipping over a pancake.

"Don't tell me Bridgette made you watch high school musical again?" I questioned grabbing a mug and filling it with hot chocolate.

"It's a good movie." He defended putting his hands up.

"This thing you call love is making you do crazy things." Stated Trent.

"Says the dude who is willing to crash Duncan's wedding just to get with Gwen." He snickered.

"It's your plan after all. If it backfires we've got who to blame." I said. Geoff huffed.

"Whatever." Said Geoff awkwardly knowing he lost the argument.

(Courtney's POV)

It was 3 hours until the wedding, and I was driving to Gwen's mum's house to meet her and the girls. We were going to get Gwen ready for the best day of her life.

I walked over to the entrance and knocked on the door. Gwen's mum opened.

"Come in, Courtney! The girls are upstairs." She said signaling me to step inside.

"Nice to see you Kristin." I said enveloping her in a hug, then rushing up the stairs.

"Finally! Now get going with the make up. I don't trust Lindsay." Shouted Heather while she did Gwen's hair.

Yes, Heather and Gwen are in the same room and they aren't ripping each other's heads off. I guess they matured a bit and began to act civil towards each other.

"I'm doing this awesome look I found on pinterest for you. It's awesome." I said handing her my phone with the screen shot on.

"It's actually quite good." She agreed.

"Of course it is. Because I picked it. Let Lindsay over here do your makeup and you'll leave this room looking like a barbie with all the pink." I said sassily applying foundation on her face.

"I heard that! Oooh, what if I add glitter to your nails?!" She suggested to Gwen.

"Didn't change at all." Said Bridgette as she did her other hand.

"Just a bit at the tips. But silver, not pink!" She replied.

After about an hour and a half we finally finished our work, which we were all quite proud of.

"I guess our work paid off." Said Heather looking pleased with the outcome.

"Thanks guys." Said Gwen looking into the mirror. " You're the best!" She said giving us all a hug.

"Now don't go all emotional on us and cry. I am not doing your makeup again." I snapped teasingly.

"Sorry for showing any sign of emotion before my own wedding." She told me with hands on her hips.

"See you later guys!" Said Bridgette, Lindsay and Heather as they turned on their heel and walked out the door.

"It's great to be here with my best friend." She told me embracing me into back hug.

(Gwen's POV)

"I have something to tell you. This is only limited to best friends, it's that confidential." I told Courtney with a serious look on my face.

"Okay. But don't tell me you're pregnant!" Said Courtney rapidly.

"No way." I said shaking her idea off. "But do get ready for what I'm about to say."

Courtney leaned closer to the edge of my bed and looked at me without an expression, her head cupped in her hands.

"I love Trent." I said quickly. Courtney's lips parted slightly, then looked away. "What's wrong? Don't tell me you guys are dating and you didn't tell me." She gave me a disgusted look after that.

"It's just that, I've got something to tell you as well."



Cliff hanger! Mwahahaha haha.

I try to write at least 1000 words each chapter and I kinda over wrote so this is what you guys are going to deal with! I'm evil like that. Ha!

Hope you enjoyed the chapter and I'd like to thank everyone who has left lovely comments on my story so far. I really appreciate you all and it encourages me to update sooner, otherwise I get too lazy...

Thanks, you're all babes, and I hope to see you next chapter. Passed the Chapter 10 mark woo! Thanks for votes and comments again though!

Btw follow my instagram:




Ily guys!

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