Chapter 3

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(Courtney's POV )

I woke up the next day in my room.

Funny, I don't remember coming here.

I got up and went to the kitchen to make some breakfast. I felt like pancakes today.

Halfway through me cooking Duncan walked in.

"Morning Duncan." I said with a smile.

"Morning Court." He replied. His mohawk was all ruffled up. To be honest he works the just out of bed look.

"Want some?" I said, pointing towards the pancakes.

"Don't mind if I do." He said taking one and covering it in chocolate spread.

"Mmmm, this is good." He said stuffing his mouth.

"Thanks." I said pouring some orange juice into my cup.

"Where did you learn how to make these?" He asked. He seemed well impressed with my cooking.

"I may have attended DJ's cooking classes..." I said embarrassed.

"Well, they're really nice. Want to finish the movie over breakfast?"

"Sure." I said taking my food and all the pancakes to the couch.

(Gwen's POV )

I got up and walked toward the living room area and started watching TV.

We had stayed in a pretty nice apartment knowing that we had only got here last night. And also thanks to Trent's wealth. And how the woman at the desk gave us a 50 percent discount on any room we stayed in.

"Morning Gwen." Said Trent once he finally got up.

"It was about time. We've only got an hour left until the breakfast buffet closes." I said rather coldly.

"Someone got up on the wrong side of bed."

"Sorry Trent, I'm just a bit stressed about things. Like the storm, and your car breaking down, and just everything overall."

"Just know that I'm always here for you. Now let's go eat I'm starving."

We walked downstairs and into the dining room. We took some food and sat down at a table having a chat.

"And then, my sister walks down stairs with bright red hair and orange tips and starts shouting at my mom because her hair came out wrong." Finished Trent. We were both laughing so hard that we were crying.

Trent always makes me feel better.

"Are you actually serious!" I said wiping my tears away.

"Yeah, it's true." He replied.

We kept on talking until the cleaner kicked us out for being too loud.

"So how do we get home now?" I asked.

"I've called a taxi, who should be her right about now." He said as a taxi pulled up.

"Wow, timing goals." I said, earning a chuckle from Trent.

We got in and I gave the man my address as Trent insisted on taking the bus.

Once we arrived to my destination, we got off the taxi.

"Thanks for yesterday, I had fun." I said and gave Trent a kiss on the cheek. Then he left.

Do I like Trent? Ugh. I can't just like him I'm marrying Duncan!

I thought as I walked into my house.

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