chapter 2: unlocking the uzumaki bloodline.

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As Naruto studied his mother and fathers clans he came across a kunoichi named mito uzumaki and her history as a jinchuuriki of the nine tailed fox.

It turns out that he wasn't the first uzumaki to be made a nine tails jinchuuriki as mito uzumaki was it's first container and his mother kushina was the second container of the nine tailed fox.

but because he was only a new born baby he was chosen to contain half of the nine tailed fox making him it's third jinchuuriki.

Strangely enough he also read about a strange sealing technique that all uzumaki were known for but rarely developed in the male members of the clan.
Adamantine sealing chains technique.

A technique that could bind anything or anyone without fail It was strong enough to bind and seal a tailed beast like the nine tailed fox.

Fascinated by this ability he might possibly have he had attempted numerous times to unlock it unfortunately without any knowledge of sealing jutsu he'd been unable to unlock his mothers bloodline.

Because he isn't a full uzumaki and he was only half uzumaki as far as he knew he would never inherit his mothers bloodline.
This made him feel less connected to his lineage as an uzumaki jinchuuriki.

What made him feel even less connected to his lineage was that he knew nothing about kenjutsu or even the basics of the art since the academy didn't teach such techniques.

His taijutsu was abysmal at best and he couldn't even dispel a D rank Genjutsu. Naruto actually decided to create his own taijutsu style called the hummingbird fighting style.

It was a technique that used speed and precision over brute strength with weapons to ovewealm opponents in battle.

It required precise chakra control to use and couldn't be copied or countered by the sharingan because of how fast and unpredictable it was.

While his lack of knowledge in the sealing arts was a problem for him he somehow always had the ability to see chakra in different colors.

This happened every time he channels chakra to his eyes practicing his chakra control.

Little did naruto know the only other dojutsu besides the sharingan and byakugan that could see chakra was the rinnegan. The eyes of the sage of six paths.

This would help naruto with his tunnel vision using his Swift release bloodline.

Because the swift release allowed him to move faster then the eye could see everything happened in slow motion for naruto causing his own vision to become blurred and unclear to him as well.

Eventually naruto with jiraiya's help would learn the basics of understanding seals and through the understanding of seals would unlock his mothers chakra chains.

Once he has unlocked his mother's bloodline he would be able to claim clan heir status and prove everyone wrong.

Naruto then said to himself.

"With my newly acquired abilities I can now protect myself from the abuse of the villagers. I wouldn't have to run away ever again. They don't know what I can do now.

Which means I have an ace up my sleeve for next time when I'm attacked."

Overhearing naruto's conversation with himself Hiruzen then said.

"So the villagers are still blind to the truth.
They still abuse and neglect naruto believing he is the nine tails and not it's jailor.I smell a rat among the council.

Someone has access to information they should not be privalaged to without my consent. And I've got a feeling I know the culprit.

They've been in front of me the entire time it seems and I'm just now realizing it which is unfortunate. "

Later that day Hiruzen called his advisors to his office to confirm his suspicion.

Danzo then said.

"why is it you have called us to your office Hiruzen???. This had better be important."

Hiruzen then said.

"very well. I'll get straight to the point.
One of you has knowledge about naruto uzumaki and his jinchuuriki status.

One of you has already been spending time spreading lies about him being the fox demon itself and causing him to suffer.

And one of you has been paying off the villagers and civilian council to ensure he's overcharged for everything he buys.

Add into consideration that you have on numerous occasions asked me to let you train naruto uzumaki Danzo and I'm convinced that you are each equally responsible but you Danzo shimura.

Your the one mostly at fault.
Which is why I have brought back my former students jiraiya and tsunade to clear up a couple of things that you have lied about to the people of the village.

Your all equally responsible so as punishment for breaking my law regarding the identity of the nine tails host your each equally sentenced to death effective immediately. Dog cat snake. Kill them."

Within seconds their heads were severed from their shoulders and their bodies burned.

Tsunade and jiraiya would be appointed the hokage's new advisors and tsunade would take up the empty seat of the senju clan while jiraiya advocates for the uzumaki clan.

until naruto was of age to take up the seat of the uzumaki clan on the ninja council jiraiya would manage both uzumaki and namikaze clan affairs since he was naruto's appointed godparent that made him legal guardian of naruto uzumaki namikaze.

With someone else besides the hokage to care for naruto uzumaki the rumors and insults would slowly and gradually stop.

Some would be convinced others not so easily as they were still stuck in their old ways after the nine tails attacked the village. Many loved ones died and several other shinobi never fully healed from it.

Sadly neither did tsunade and Jiraiya who lost the 2 most important people to them.
Jiraiya lost a valuable apprentice and tsunade lost what remained of her cousin clan the uzumaki.

Kushina uzumaki was like a daughter to her and she hated the ninetails for killing her last remaining relative she had ties to.

Both Jiraiya and tsunade hated the fox.
But they did not hold hatred for it's host.

But would naruto accept Jiraiya and tsunade as his new guardians or would he give them the cold shoulder like so many have done to him in the past???.

Only time would tell.

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⏰ Last updated: May 10, 2023 ⏰

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