07- In which Tommy makes a friend

Start from the beginning

Wilbur sat in the middle of the room on a fluffy white carpet holding a guitar. "Hello Tommy! Have you ever played guitar?" Tommy shook his head no.

"Why don't I teach you? Its not too hard, i could try and teach you a few songs on it." He said excitedly.

"Ok, I'll try and learn it." Tommy responded. Wilbur patted the space in the carpet next to him. Tommy sat down, and Wilbur passed the guitar to him.

            He went over the basic strings with him, and then began teaching him a song. After some time, Tommy got around half the song down.

            "I think thats enough for today, we can do some more when you come back tomorrow." Tommy decided that he liked playing the guitar and he liked that Wilbur was the one to teach him it.

Then he remembered the boy Phil said he could make friends with, Turbo? Tobo? Tubbo. Yes, Tubbo. "Wil, Phil said i could meet Tubbo."

"Oh, yeah. I could take you over to Tubbos house if you want to now." He nodded his head yes, and Wilbur stood up and opened his bedroom door.

Tommy followed him down the stairs, through the hall and to the front door. "Dad! Tommy and I are going over to Tubbos house!" Wilbur shouted.

A quiet response of, "ok!" was heard before they stepped outside. There was a driveway with a family sort of car in it, and flowers planted neatly across the lawn.

Across the street and next to the house, there were other houses with all sorts of designs.

Directly across the street, there was a boy sitting on his lawn in the middle of a mini flower field. He seemed to be playing with the flowers and bees. This boy must be Tubbo.

Wilbur grabbed Tommy's hand and brought him across the street. When they got closer, Tommy noticed that Tubbo also had button eyes. He found that this didn't creep him out much anymore. He was used to them now from Wilbur, Techno and Phil.

Tubbo looked up when they stopped on the sidewalk in front of the mini flower field. "Hello Tubbo. This is Tommy, he came through the door a little while ago." Wilbur said.

Tubbos face lit up and he jumped up from his spot sitting in the flowers. He strode up to Tommy and took his hand, dragging him into the flowers and bringing him down to sit with him.

"Do you know how to make flower crowns?"


Tubbo smiled widely at this; "I'll make you one! You can watch me make one, and then you can try." Tubbo began making a flower crown as Tommy watched intently.

Wilbur watched this with a small smile, Phil was right. These two would end up being the best of friends. Wilbur turned and went back to the house.

When Tubbo finished the flower crown, he reached up and put it on Tommy's head. Tommy smiled, and began to try and make a flower crown. It came out a little wonky, but Tommy put the flower crown on Tubbos head anyways.

A few bees came around the flowers on their heads and the ground below them, and Tubbo became even more excited. He gasped, "I love bees!" He began to talk about them and random facts about them, as Tommy listened with a smile.


After an hour or two, Tommy went back across the street to Phil's house. Phil immediately came out from the kitchen and into the hall, "Hey Toms, how'd it go?" Tommy ran up to Phil and began to ramble about how much fun he had and how he wanted to see Tubbo the next time he came here.

He kept chatting about it when he sat down at the dinner table, where Techno and Wilbur sat waiting.

They ate together, chatting about anything and everything. Soft smiles on their faces and happiness radiating off of them.

This was when Tommy felt that this place was more of a home than Dream's house had ever been. And that Dream wasn't his family, but Phil, Wilbur and Techno were.

1318 words
Hello! Lav here.

I finally finished this chapter.

I had to rewrite it a few times, but i think this one was the best.

Apparently my best work is done at 1am.

Im quite sure this story will end up have 10 or 11 chapters, maybe a little more.

Chapter 08 has been started. May be finished by sunday or monday.

Have a wonderful day! :D

| Wish Upon a Shooting Star | SBI Coraline AU | written by Lav | Where stories live. Discover now