"Yeah, I think so," his voice answered and you were too afraid that if you tried to speak a squeak would come out of your throat instead.

"Don't worry," his voice was softer than you expected, he must've noticed your nerves. "I don't bite."

"But do you stab?" You found yourself wide eyed and he laughed; the sound hummed through your entire body again, swirling around your heart like silk.

"Sometimes," he replied slyly and you mirrored his smile, tucking your hair behind your ear nervously. It was then that you noticed he was wearing a black Stabathon shirt that seemed to frame his body perfectly.

You tried to distract yourself by focusing on the character you were to play. She was meant to reflect on the average female viewer of the movie and an insertion of the average scream horror fan. It was a total "I can fix him" plot line with a cheesy romance of a girl stopping a boy from being a mass murderer. Completely unrealistic and if anything just plain bad advice, if you felt like living anyways. Still, you liked her and her strength in the script especially towards the end.

Your nerves were still fluttering when you sat across from Jack at the table. You didn't realize how tightly you held the paper script until you noticed there were wrinkles in the corners.

Relax, y/n. Nothing you haven't done before and nothing you can't handle.

Amongst all of the stress with Jack you almost forgot your other co stars were there too including Devyn. She was to be Anika, your Instagram model roommate. Essentially the polar opposite of who you were to play; you were someone who wore horror movie shirts and ripped jeans while she was always trendy. You were thankful for the comfortable wardrobe at least. Even though your characters were totally different, you grew together that way encouraging growth and adventure.

"Hey, y/n," Devyn had a sweet smile and comforting aura about her that you enjoyed.

"Hey," you smiled softly.

"Ready?" Jack asked. He was looking at you intently and you forgot how to form words for a second.

Devyn glanced between you both and it took all of your willpower to not blush. It felt like everyone at the table was thinking about the same thing: the fact that you two were going to have to have sex together.

You nod though with wide scared eyes "as I'll ever be."

Devyn laughed leaning over to touch your arm gently.

Someone read out loud the setting and you weren't sure who. Your eyes were reading your first line over and over in your head. When it came your turn to speak though the words came easy. At least with Devyn aka Anika it had. She made it feel like you were already best friends and roommates. She suggested you room together too to help even further.

The wandering thoughts somehow helped distract you from the guy sitting across from you, puzzling over his script like it was a crossword. It took all of your strength to ignore the way his muscles flexed when he moved.

"Come on, it'll be fun. There will be lots of boys there." Devyns voice next to you piped up "you like boys right?"

"Sometimes," you said with a sly undertone the exact way Jack had said to you earlier. The idea had popped into your head the moment before you said your line, and although you were looking at Devyn you felt him look up from his script with a smile.

While you did take the tone and attitude from him, it was your head-canon that your character was bisexual even though the line likely just meant that she wasn't interested in the types of boys these parties attracted.

Method Acting | Jack Champion x actress!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now