Chapter 8

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(TW!!!!! Very harsh abuse, mentioned in this chapter!!)

You took Rafe's truck and drove to your mom's house. You parked a few houses down to avoid being seen. You then snuck around the side of the house and had to crawl through the large vent. It may seem like a lot of work to outsiders but you have to try to do anything to avoid your mother. This time if she finds you it's hard to tell what will happen... you were so incredibly terrified of being caught. But you and JJ would have so many hospital bills to pay and then you guys would be in debt. It's better to risk everything than ruin your boyfriend's life with debt and bad credit...

You continued to crawl in the large vents until you got to the "special room" as your mom called it. The room was like a normal bedroom, except all the drawers and cabinets, and closets were locked up. The large metal safe was also in the room. That's where your mom kept all of her extreme valuables and her large bills of cash.

As soon as you were about to drop down into the bedroom You suddenly heard high heels walking across the hardwood floors. You peeked through the tiny openings of the metal vent.

Your mother entered the room with a man. You couldn't make out the man every well, but your mother started to unlock on of the drawers and you could barely see what was inside.....

"Oh dear lord....GOSH NO" There were several....intercourse 'toys' in the drawer...

You did not look through the holes anymore. You would have gone away but you were scared of making sound and getting caught.

You then heard your mother let out several moans and the man said some...rather disturbing, phrases.

You wanted to just disappear at that moment. But you had to push through and wait for them to be done so you could get the money and LEAVE.

You heard the man speak some more, and the voice started to sound familiar... as much as you didn't want to you couldn't help but peek down once again... and what you saw left you in utter shock...

It was JJ's dad...Luke. The abusive father of your boyfriend. No, no, no....

You weren't really sure why you were so upset about this but you were. You sat and leaned against the walls of the vent and shed a few tears.

You hated your mom. But she was your mom. When you were little she was the best thing in your life. You wanted to be just like her, she was your best friend. You miss that relationship you had with her. Even if she was willing to change and try to form the bond again, it wouldn't be possible. You wouldn't let her. She's a monster now. A mean, evil, crooked woman.

You forced yourself out of your thoughts and realized that your mother and Luke's 'activities' were finally over. You waited a few more minutes to make sure that the coast was clear.

The vent was directly above the bed. You lifted up the metal plate and placed it aside. And hopped down. You ran over to the safe and punched in the password.


In big red letters, it read: PASSWORD INCORRECT

"Wtf?" You whispered to yourself

You tried all other passwords and numbers you could think of but you still couldn't unlock it.

"Trying to get something?" You slowly turned around to see your mother leaning up against the door frame.

"M-mom..." you studdered.

"Get. Out." She said.

"Mom listen, you don't understand." You spoke as she walked toward you.

"Oh trust me...I understand. I understand that your trying to rob me. Your broke. You could have been living the life with me, baby...having all the money you could think of. Not going hungry or worrying about the hills and cops. But no. You CHOSE the position you are in right now y/n! You chose this." She was gripping your arm tightly.

"M-mom! Let go!! Now!!" You yelled as you struggled to pull away.

Suddenly Luke entered the room.

"What in the hell is going on?!" He said examining the situation.

"Oh! She broke in and was trying to steal my money! She also slapped me and kicked me and pinched me!" She started fake crying, and Luke hugged her.

"You know what I do to thieves, you little bitch? I kill em' but ion think your mother can bear to watch me kill her own child...." He started to unloop his belt and you started to run.

Your mother forcefully grabbed you and shoved you into the corner, your mother then left the room. Luke then started to repetitively beat you with the buckle end of the belt. You wished you could have just died instead of having to be put through this kind of torture.

You didn't even know your mother had returned back into the room until glass liquor bottles you being tossed at your head, multiple of them had shattered on your head and some busted on the wall, and glass sprinkled down onto you...

You woke up and you were still in the corner but both abusers weren't in the room. Glass was still everywhere and the belt was in the middle of the floor. You tried to stand up, but you couldn't. You were too weak. Your phone was on the bed, "h-hey 252-789-9628..." It was Pope's number.

You would've called JJ but you knew he was probably just getting out of the hospital or still in there. John B was in jail, and Sarah and Kiara were probably helping JJ, knowing Rafe had probably left.

(P=Pope Y=y/n)



P-what wrong? Where are you?!

Y- moms house. Come quick. P-please.

*beep, beep, beep*

The call ended

Before you knew it John B, Pope, JJ, and Sarah and Kie were all rushing into the room.

"Wha- how?"

"Shh don't worry about it," Pope said.

They all stood around you and looked at you in shock.

You then remembered...

"Someone. Go to the safe. 3,29,82." It was your father's birthday. You were sure that this was the code. It would've been the last number you would've guessed. That was why it was the password.

Kie went over and typed it in. Sure enough, it worked.

"Alright, come on.. let's stand you up," JB said trying to lift you up. But the glass that was stuck to your shirt kept piercing your skin.

"JJ, take her clothes off." John B orders JJ. He had a wrap around his injury.

It was nice seeing how respectful John B was of your and JJ's relationship.

JJ took off your shirt as carefully as he could, cautious of his arms and my body.

Then you tried your best to take my shorts off but had to have JJ's assistance once again. You stood there in your bra and undies in front of your best friends.

It was nothing they hadn't seen before, this covered more than most of your bathing suits. But you had bruises and cuts and welts all over your body. The group looked at you with pity.

"Guys... I knew what I was getting myself into when I came here...I knew what was going to happen. It always does." 

"It's never this intense..." Sarah said.

"It's because it wasn't just her mom."

"How the hell does he know," You thought to yourself.

"My dad helped her."

"J, how did you k-" you stopped when he held up his father's belt. You almost had forgotten that JJ had also been on the other side of that belt before as well.

It was terrible to say but you and JJ were a perfect fit....but so were your parents, in the worst way possible

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