c h a p t e r 2

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Kye's POV
It's been two months since Kye transferred. It's now second semester. How time flies by! He's been getting used to Lay and his friends, opening up, talking more, but especially to Lay.
       To be honest, when Kye first met Lay, Kye thought Lay was annoying; always talkative, super optimistic. He never would have thought he would be friends with a guy like Lay; but here we are!
       Kye had been taking an interest on Lay; Kye thought Lay was really cute; his blonde hair in a headband, his mesmerizing grey eyes. Those 'annoying,' traits of Lay was what made him so special to Kye. It was like Lay was Kye's own sunshine.
       Even though they were complete opposites, Kye couldn't help but love that little goofball of his. Kye would sometimes tease Lay; Lay would get really flustered, and Kye would chuckle at Lay. That's why Kye thought Lay liked him too: Lay was really bad at hiding feelings, unlike Kye.
It was strange; Kye has never had these kinds of feelings towards someone since she left.
       But Kye wanted to play safe and be sure that Lay really did like him. School had just ended; Kye and Lay were saying their goodbyes.
        "Well, bye Kye! I'll see tomorrow then!" Lay beamed, hugging Kye. Kye acted as if he was uncomfortable with the hug, but he actually loved being under the touch of Lay.
       "Uhh yea, see you, I guess," Kye muttered, pushing Lay away. Lay waved once again, then left to go pick Orla up. Kye rarely smiled, but when he does, he usually did it in secret. After Lay left, Kye couldn't help but smile a small one.
       It was around four o'clock when Kye got home to his little apartment. He set his backpack down, then pulled out his phone. He got a text from the group chat.
       Kye rarely texted them; he would only engage when Lay said something. He took a quick glance at the message, then realized it was from Lay.

Lay: Y'all, I convinced my dad if u guys can come over !!

       "What's so special about that?" Kye thought.

Blay: Really? Wow, I thought ur dad was strict

Kye: What's so special abt that?

Blay: When me and Lay were younger, he would always come over to my house. It was never his. He said his dad was rlly strict abt ppl coming in their house

Kan: Really? Oh wow

Lay: So do y'all wanna come over?! MAYBE A SLEEPOVER!!


Blay: Sure! I wanna see ur house anyway!

Lay: Kye? R u down?

Kye: Sure ig... I have nothing else to do...

Lay: YES THIS IS GONNA BE SO MUCH FUN!! I'm in charge of snacks, don't worry! Just bring ur own pajamas, then meet at this address at five: ______

Blay: Sounds great! See y'all there

        "Well. Guess I'm going to a sleepover," sighed Kye, then got up to get ready. His attire was fine, so he just needed to get pajamas. He grabbed some grey sweatpants and a black shirt.
       Kye checked the clock. "I should get going; his house is pretty close, so I guess I can get there early," Kye thought. Then he set off.

~ • ~

       At five o'clock, Kye met with Blay and Kan in front of Lay's house. "Damn... Lay mentioned he was rich, but I didn't know this rich...," Blay said with awe. "Let's go!" Kan exclaimed, pulling Blay's hand, and running towards the house. Kye followed.
Blay and Kan have already rung the doorbell by the time Kye was at the front door. Lay answered the door. Lay didn't have his black coat on, so he just had his white shirt on.
"Hi y'all! Come on in," Lay beamed. They set their stuff down then started doing stuff. They baked food, watched movies, played truth or dare, and so on and so forth, until it was eleven o'clock.
They went into Lay's room, and was told to sleep there, since it was so big. Kye, Blay, and Kan changed into their pajamas then went to Lay for further instructions.
"Sorry Kye, I only have a mattress to fit Blay and Kan, so you have to sleep with me...," Lay said with obvious blush. "I mean- unless you don't want to, I can arrange something else," Lay added.
"No, it alright; I'll sleep with you," Kye muttered. "I don't mind." Kye could feel Blay and Kan snickering quietly, but he just rolled his eyes.
They all got comfortable in bed, then Lay turned off the lights. Kye stayed in his phone for a bit.
By twelve o'clock, everyone was asleep, so Kye decided to get some sleep of his own. He put his phone down beside the bed, then closed his eyes, until he felt an arm around his. He turned around.
It was Lay. Lay was trying to hug Kye, but Kye tried pushing him away. "Lay?" Kye whispered. "Please...," Lay muttered softly. "Must be asleep," Kye assumed.
Kye looked deeply at Lay, then scooted closer to him, then put and arm round him. Lay started cuddling him, putting his leg over Kye, yadayada, making Kye blush.
"It's fine, I'll just tell him he did that," thought Kye, then cuddled with Lay, sleeping in the blonde boy's arms.

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