c h a p t e r 1

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Lay's POV:
Lay shut his locker, then turned around, only to see Blay and Kan. "Ah! Oh my gosh! Stop scaring me!" Lay exclaimed. "No can do," Blay smirked, but got elbowed playfully by Kan. "What was that for?" Blay huffed, rubbing his arm.
"Don't worry Lay, that was Blay's idea. Anyway, you should get going," Kan said. "To where? Class?" Lay asked. "Well, GL said to meet you outside, don't worry, you're not gonna be late for class; the principal excused you," Blay replied.
"Oh, well, see you later, I guess," Lay waved. "Bye Lay!" Blay and Kan replied, then went to class. "Huh. I wonder what GL wants?" Lay mused, while heading outside, to the quad.
When Lay arrived, he saw GL, Anyan, and some guy with purple hair, purple eyes, and a purple hoodie. "Boy, does this guy like purple," Lay thought.
"Oh hey Lay!" GL greeted. Anyan did the same, then Lay followed. "Sooooo, who's that guy? And why did you guys need me again?" Lay asked, gesturing to Kye. "He's the exact reason why you're here," GL replied.
"Lay, this is Kye. He's my friend from another school; he's a transfer student here, and you have all your classes together, so the principal put you in charge of him," Anyan explained.
"Anyways, we'll be going to class now; bye Lay!" GL waved, then Anyan followed him. "Cmon! I'll give you a tour and stuff, then we can do classes!" Lay told him.
As Lay showed him around, he noticed he was really quiet. "Anyways... I'm Lay, if you didn't listen; people say I'm really energetic and optimistic, but it's alright! What about you?" Lay asked.
"I-I'm Kye..," Kye said, with absolutely no emotion. "Kinda ironic; I seem extroverted, and you seem introverted! Er- no offense," Lay chuckled.
"You're lucky you got in kind of early; we're kinda learning some basic stuff you probably already know," Lay stated. It was only three quarters in to the first semester.

~ • ~

After some classes, it was finally lunch. Lay introduced Kye to Blay and Kan. "Guys, this is Kye! A transfer student! He's a 'little,' shy, by the way," Lay said. "Hi Kye; I'm Blay, this is my boyfriend, Kan," Bay smirked. Kan glared. "Nice to meet you, Kye," Kan smiled.
"Nice to meet you two, too," Kye replied. "I hope Lay didn't babble you to death yet; sorry if he did," Blay shrugged. "Heyyyy!" Lay exclaimed. Lay heard Kye chuckle, so Lay turned to look at him.
"Wow... Kye looks so cute smiling. ARGH- what am I thinking?!" Lay thought, shaking his head. "You look cute when you smile, Kye! Especially since you rarely do it," Lay complimented.
"Uhh- thanks...," Kye muttered. Lay could've sworn he saw Kye blushing. "Ok, lovers, now can we actually talk about the kid who puked in the middle of the hallway? (Based on true events-)" Kan smirked, earning a laugh from Blay.
"Good one, Kan!" Blay laughed, then kissed Kan on the forehead. Kan glared daggers at him. Lay and Kye blushed. "Whatever! I don't think you guys should be talking!" Huffed Lay, stuffing his sandwich in his mouth in anger.
"Woah, be careful, you might choke," Kye warned. Lay coughed out his sandwich, then smiled at Kye. "He's so nice! I hope we can stay friends... maybe even more," Lay thought, with a blush.

Purple and Yellow Don't Go Well Together Anwayحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن