fuck that broke bitch

Începe de la început

" ight they coo " i said looking at em

" thank you brother " she said as she pulled in her parking garage

" okay so boom , you wanna get put on ?" she asked me as i typed in my neighborhood code at the gate

" wit who sevyn " i asked her pulling in through the gate

" one of my friends " she said

" nah ian fucking with nun of yo friends " i said thinking about how kori did me

i really loved that girl and she had me fucked up how you gon cheat on me on a trip you asked me to pay for ??

" man okay " she said putting her car in park

" ight imma call you later sis " i said getting out my car

" okay love you " she said

" love you too " i said before she hung up

i walked into the house shutting and locking the door behind me

just then i got a text from kori .

" hey can we talk " the message read

i decided to just leave her on read , fool me once shame on you , fool me twice shame on me .


sevyn ayorii daviss la • ca 12:46 am

Oops! Această imagine nu respectă Ghidul de Conținut. Pentru a continua publicarea, te rugăm să înlături imaginea sau să încarci o altă imagine.

sevyn ayorii daviss
la • ca
12:46 am

i just got out the shower and got in the bed with mir as he put on big mouth

" ouuu i'm tired ,  but at least my nails and toes is cute " i said to mir as he laid on my stomach with his hands in my shirt touching my nipples

" stop you know that shit hurts cause i just got my shit pierced " i said to him because his hands was cold

" i don't give a fuck " mir said making me laugh a little bit

" okay but we gentle please " i said as he rubbed my nipples

" mirrrrr be gentle " i said cause be started rubbing my titties

" ight my bad baby " he said being softer

" you piss me off bruh " i said as i played in his hair

" you gon be ight " he said

" ian gon be wearing a bra for a minute either" i informed mir

" it's good , you gon be with me anyways " he told me shrugging

" mmcht no i'm not " i said

" yeah don't get fucked up sevyn " he said adjusting his self

" whatever " i said paying attention to the tv

" you mad now? " he asked rubbing on me

" no " i shortly responded

" sevyn " he said looking up at me to make eye contact

" yes mir ?" i said

" is you coo?" he asked me

" yes " i said laughing

" yeah ight " he said laying his head back down on my stomach

soon after me and mir fell asleep .

soon after me and mir fell asleep

Oops! Această imagine nu respectă Ghidul de Conținut. Pentru a continua publicarea, te rugăm să înlături imaginea sau să încarci o altă imagine.

( use your imagination )


heyyy short chapter and what ab it 🙄?

but yeah give me names for tooda new gf 🫡.

and as always vote 🤭🤭😘!

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