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*there is no civil war in Syria in this book since I can't write about such graphic situations in fear of disrespecting anyone. though I recommend you research into it, and donate to charity to help Syrian citizens! thank you!*

although there is no civil war, the country is still corrupt.

to grow up poor sucks. obviously. nothing new about that.

my father was absent, having left us when my younger brother was pronounced chronically ill at 4 years old. i was 11 at the time. him leaving us absolutely devestated me and my mother and yet my younger brother was too young to understand what was going on. it hurt too much to ruin his innocence.

"where did papa go? is he coming back soon?" i recall him asking, lying on his bed as i carefully lifted his head up and pushed the spoon filled with soup to his mouth.

"he's just working hard! will be back soon. and when he does, we will be super rich." i'd say while feeding him slowly.

after swallowing his soup, he furrowed his eyebrows, "you say that all the time!"

the lump in my throat tightened, yet i forced an obviously fake smile, but my brother being a child didn't realize, "becoming rich isn't that easy! he's finding a good job first. that takes time y'know."

he nodded for a moment, accepting another spoon before coughing. my eyes widened as i brought a trashcan close to his face, preparing for the worst. he shook his head softly and looked up, wiping his mouth from the soup, "it's okay. no throw up."

'i'm sorry. i wish i was better for you.' would run through my head, but my throat felt too tight to be able to spell any words out. all i could focus on was his weak smile as he pat my thigh in reassurance. holding in my tears was always most difficult around him, but i had to do my best as his older sister.

"when will mom come back?" he asked, looking out of the window. i gulped, forcing my emotions down as i shakily replied, "..working overtime."

he huffed loudly, "she's never home anymore! always working or with grandma!"

a soft smile found it's way to my lips as i pat his head, "yusuf, grandma needs someone to take care of her too y'know."

the younger boy frowned, clutching his blanket in guilt, "i know... sorry..."

i shook my head, removing my hand from his head and standing up, taking the now empty bowl with me, "it's okay, now that you apologized! and it's late, so go to sleep or else you won't grow taller!"

"noo! i wanna grow taller!!!" yusuf panicked, immediately getting under his blanket as i stood near the door.

"then you better sleep! or the monsters will eat your toes in the night..."


i laughed, "goodnight, yusuf!"

"GOODNIGHT!!! sleep soon as well or the monsters will get you too!!"

"will do.."

school was incredibly difficult. i was more advanced than other students, so i was allowed to go up a few years that i could study at my level. it was easier before yusuf got ill, since i was able to study after school, but now i have to take care of him the moment i get home since that's when my mother has to leave for work. i barely have time to study, but i still try my best.

i'm gonna become a doctor and save my brother.

♡ timeskip and y/n is 14 ♡

the path to school was long and unsafe, the roads in the city i lived in weren't worked on for years, if they even were worked on ever. rocks covered the path, making it difficult to take easy steps with my sandals. i once accidentally twisted my ankle because of the rocks, but that's something i'd rather not think about right now...

The Cute Foreign Girl ♡ BLUE LOCK x READER | ON HOLDUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum