Chapter 3

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- What do you want from us?

Yoko has contacted Brahman and was in the middle of a discussion with Takeomi Akashi, the number 2 of Brahman and Senju Kawaragi's older brother.

- I would like to join the Brahman to our cause. My goal is to create the most powerful gang in Japan and you are one of the strongest ones.

- Yeah, I see where you're going with this... But we're not interested. Because, yeah, it's nice to have dreams and ambitions when you're young, but that's not how you become powerful.

In the background, a young girl with pink hair and green eyes was getting impatient in the corner.

- I'm so bored...

Takeomi ignored her and focused on what he was saying.

- You don't even have a gang and you want to defeat Rokuhara Tandai and Kanto Manjikai? Good luck, but we won't be there. Senju, let's go.

- Wait a minute ! I know your goal is Mikey, right? Then we have a common goal.

- What ? Nonsense !

- Of course we do ! I'm interested !

The girl who until then had been sitting quietly in the corner, stood up and her eyes lit up. She looked very interested in what Yoko had said. Takeomi wondered where this sudden interest in conversation came from.

- What are you talking about Senju ?

- Don't you remember ? The reason I created the Brahman was to confront Mikey, don't you get it ?

- You weren't serious, were you ?! Waka, Benkei ?!

He turned to two men who had been standing back until then. There were a tall, muscular man with black skin and white hair, and a shorter, slimmer man with two-tone purple and blonde hair. The taller man spoke up.

- You know we would give our lives for Senju, but if she wanna fight Mikey, let her then.

The little one with the nonchalant look added:

- Yeah, cut her some slack, she's not six anymore.

- Are y'all crazy ?!

Takeomi had the impression that he was the only one in the gang who was still in his right mind.

- That's it, you're pissing me off, Takeomi ! I'll take the offer, won't I Hanagaki ?

Senju turned to a young boy with blonde hair who was standing next to her.

- Well... Hum... Well... I don't know...

- But you were the one who said "I'm gonna beat up Mikey", right ?

- Yeah, but... It's not that... I don't know if we can trust her...

- Don't worry about it ! Everything will be fine, don't worry, I've got it under control !

Takeomi looked exasperated at his sister's carefree expression, but knew there was nothing he could do to bring her to her senses :

- That's exactly why I'm worried...

- Yoko, right? The Brahman is happy to work with you.

Yoko looked pleased and smiled at Senju, and she smiled back.

- Great. Just one more thing to take care of... Hanagaki? You're the captain of the Toman's first division, right?

- Yeah, I am.

- Well, would it be possible for them to join us? We need as many people as possible and the Toman is not to be underestimated.

- Well, I'd have to ask them, but I don't know because Toman has been disbanded... But I can ask them anyway.

- Yeah, I could go with you and we'll ask them.

Senju looked impatient again, she was tapping her foot frenetically to show her annoyance, like a child.

- Okay, can we go now ? C'mon Hanagaki, let's go buy a choco-mint ice cream !

- As you want, Senju.

Takemichi glanced at Kakucho and gave him a sympathetic smile.

- I'm glad you're feeling better, Kaku-chan.

Kakucho didn't answer. Senju couldn't take it anymore, all this maturity was annoying her.

- C'mon, hurry up!

She grabbed Takemichi's arm and left the room while Takeomi, Wakasa and Benkei looked on.

- She really acts like a child, irresponsible and carefree. She pisses me off !

- It's still better than Shinichiro. This man, huh ! A real loser in every way.

- Yeah, but he was still making us laugh, dear Shin!

- Yep, I can't take that away from you. He may have been a total loser in fighting, but mentally he was the strongest of us.

And they also left the room. Kakucho looked at them too, wondering why Yoko wanted them too.

- What do you see in them? They are just adults who want to protect their "princess" who is an irresponsible kid and leader of one of the three biggest gangs in Japan.

- Wakasa Imaushi and Keizo Arashi are the most powerful duo in Japan. When they were younger, they were both once leaders of the two strongest gangs in the country. Keizo Arashi or Benkei was nicknamed "Red Cliff" because he always ended up covered in enemy blood during a fight. Wakasa Imaushi was nicknamed "the White Leopard". It is said that Benkei is stronger than Hercules and Wakasa is faster than Skanda. They are considered as living legends.

- And what about Senju ? She is very small and thin, and she acts like a kid.

- Senju Kawaragi may not look like it, but she is anything but weak. She could beat a whole gang by herself. And she knows Mikey well since she was often with him when they were kids. Besides, her other big brother Harushiyo Akashi is the number 2 of Kanto Manjikai.

- Kokonoi, who was silent until then, suddenly remembered that Inui was part of the Tokyo Manji gang.

- What about Inupi ? What do you want from him?

- Seishu Inui ? It's just a coincidence that he's in the Toman. What's the matter ? Do you have a problem with this ?

- No, not at all, I don't care. I told him to stay out of my business but since he never listens to me, that's on him, I don't care anymore.

And he walked out looking annoyed. Why did Inui never listen to what he says ? He's too stubborn to make sense.

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