Well if you put it this way, i used to have both, android for music and apple for daily necessities. But now just apple.

11.) What is the one thing you dislike about yourself?

Sometimes I procrastinate a little too much 😞

12.) Which book is your favorite? (It can be both online and offline)

Online: All fanfics of my fav animes (especially B.B.B by (MiraculousPokeblader, CureFire14, Inshira_Nisshoku, ShuKurenai918)

Offline: Literally anything i could get my hands one: The Famous Five, The Secret Seven, Harry Potter, The BFG, etc.

13.) What makes you unique?

I would say, maybe i like to be very organized in my studies but sometimes i just get distracted. 😅

14.) Asides from basic necessities, what is the one thing you cannot go a day without?

My Tab, cause it has dislyte, youtube and wattpad in it. ^-^

15.) Which Fictional Character do you wish to meet? (Any one.)

This is a really hard one, Truth is, i would like to meet all the anime characters. But if i have to choose..., it would be Shu kurenai!

16.) What's the best lesson you've learnt from a work of fiction?

Every Story has two sides:- The part everyone sees and know, & the part that is kept as secret

-Idk really just from some random book

17.) List some of your fav quotes and/or thoughts.

-Whoever is trying to bring you down, is already below your level

-Don't waste your words on those who deserve you silence

-I'll let you talk behind my back, because that is exactly where you belong, Behind my back.

-Honesty is a very expensive gift, so don't expect it from cheap people.

-True friends are like stars, you can only recognize them when it's dark around you.

-Walk like you own the place or walk like you don't care who owns the place.

idk why, but these quotes always make me feel good >.<

18.)Do you prefer team or individual work?

I prefer individual cause often team work interferes with my flow of work

19.) Share your current device wallpaper.

) Share your current device wallpaper

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