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༺ real life༻

Matt's pov :

It was now almost 2 in the morning, i still was shocked from the stunt soph pulled.

I didn't know if i liked her that way, to be honest there was no way of knowing, I've known this girl for not even a full day.

I felt horrible for kissing her back, what if she didn't even wanna kiss me, it was just the heroine taking over?

I had so many questions, but i didn't wanna do anything that I'd regret in the morning.

"Come on Matt, lets smoke."

She said looking way to innocent.

"Nah, I'd rather not."

I declined trying to be polite.


She grunted annoyed.

Its not like i didn't want to smoke, but i wanted one of us to be decent.

(What i mean is sober n not high)

After a few more beers soph finally wanted to go home.

"Hey Matttt, can we drive backk??"

She said walking up to me.

"Yeah sure, let's go."

I said holding on her waist so she wouldn't fall over.

I placed her in the passenger seat and put her seatbelt on. Then sitting down in the drivers seat.

We finally made it back to her summer house.

She already was passed out so i just carried her inside, i took her upstairs, but didn't know which one of all the rooms were hers.

Untill i saw a bright pink door with a sign on it.

"Stay the fuck out"

I chuckled a bit and knew it was hers, i opened the door and looked around her room.

I placed her on a bean bag since her bed was full of clothes and other random stuff.

I just threw all her stuff on the ground and placed her on the bed, i covered her with her blanket. And went downstairs.

I walked outside and saw everyone blacked out. I saw the white powder on the table, i couldn't resist, i made one thin line and inhaled it.

I soon started feeling a little dizzy, sure i had smoked before but whatever the white powder was, was lot more stronger.

I layed on my back, as i way about to fall asleep right there, someone ran outside.

"Dudeeee, tonight's lit."

Said Nathan running up to me shaking me back up.

"Man settle down everyone's asleep."

I tried shutting him up.

"Man we should totally go for a swim."

He said ignoring me and taking of his shirt.

"Try not to kill yourself."

I told him with a chuckle.

"You're coming too."

He said taking my hand dragging me up.

Last summer [Matthew Sturniolo]Where stories live. Discover now