Phantom Day Out

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Ash Ketchum was out and about when he suddenly noticed two girls sitting outside a restaurant who looked rather familiar. One had blonde hair that was held in large buns and a fringe that covered her left eye. The other had short, wavy silver hair.

Ash was puzzled. "I'm sure I've seen them somewhere before." He approached the table and said, "Excuse me?"

The girls noticed Ash coming towards them.

"Hey there, young man," said the blonde girl.

"Can we help you with something?" said the silver girl.

"I don't mean to intrude," said Ash, "but something tells me I've seen you two somewhere before."

"Really?" said the blonde girl.

"Now that you mention it..." said the silver girl.

The girls pondered for a moment then came to a realization.

"Now I remember!" said the blonde girl.

"You're that kid we'd encountered back in Johto!" said the silver girl.

"Oh yeah!" said Ash. "You're not gonna get mad at me, are you?"

"Nah," said the blonde girl. "We've moved on from that stuff."

"Yeah. That's water under the bridge," said the silver girl.

"Oh," said Ash. "Well, do you mind if I sit with you?"

"Sure," said the blonde girl.

"By all means," said the silver girl.

"Thanks." Ash pulled out a chair and sat down.

"What was your name again?" said the blonde girl.

"It's Ash. Ash Ketchum."

"Pleased to formally meet you, Ash. I'm Annie. And that's my sister Oakley."

"Nice to meet you," Ash said to Oakley.


"So what brings you two to Kanto?"

"Well," said Annie, "we're on a vacation of sorts. We've been out of jail for a long while now."

"We've been helping out with some archeological excavations since we have some expertise with artifacts," said Oakley.

"As long as it doesn't involve stealing."

"Yeah. That too."

"So how about you?" Annie asked Ash. "What have you been up to lately?"

"Well," said Ash, "I just got back home after traveling for a very long time."

"Really?" said Oakley. "Traveling doing what?"

"Exploring new regions. Meeting lots of people and Pokemon. I even managed to finally win a tournament."

"That's amazing!" said Annie.

"Sounds like you had quite the lifelong adventure," said Oakley.

"Yeah," said Ash.

"So what will you do now?" said Annie.

"I don't know. There's so much I still wanna do. More Pokemon I still wanna see." Ash then stood up. "Well, I think I'm gonna go now. It was nice talking to you."

"It was nice talking to you too, Ash."

"Yeah," said Oakley. "You're alright."

A thought came to Annie. "Say, you wanna hangout with us again someday?"

"Sure! I'd like that!" said Ash.

Annie and Oakley wrote their numbers and gave them to Ash.

"If you' ever wanna hang with us or want company..."

"Just give us a call, okay?" said Oakley.

"Great!" said Ash. "See ya!"

"Bye!" said the girls.

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