H a s h i r a M e e t i n g • a c t 7

289 7 1

I wake up to a crow cawing in my ear.

"I'm awake! I'm awake! shut up!" I groan as the crow stops and flys back to the windowsill.

"Head to masters estate for a hashira meeting! Caw!! Hashira meeting!!" It yells before flying away. I groan annoyed before snapping awake at the memory's of today come rushing back.

"Shit!" I exclaim as I quickly get dressed in my purple haori which has white flowers decorating the left side and the right is plain purple, I have like 20 pairs of it.

I quickly rush out my bedroom door to see enmu looking outside the window boredly.

"I'm awake!" I exclaim as he glances at me before fully turning towards me with a smile plastered on his face.

I drag him out the door as the sun has just set, I ignore the shocked looks of lower ranks as we walk towards masters house.

When we get there I see that everyone is already there except for master.

"Yo!" I greet as most of the others look at me surprised.

"Y/n what the fuck are you doing with a lowermoon?!" Sanemi shouts angrily as he stomps towards me.

"Welllll~ I have masters permission so there isn't anything wrong with it!" I giggle as I push him out of the way and drag enmu towards where I usually sit, next to the tree Obani is in.

"You brat." Sanemi says angrily as he sits back down.

"I know!~" I tease as Sanemi scoffs in annoyance.

Enmu says nothing as he stares at me blankly, I glance towards him with a smile as I lean my head on his shoulder.

"The master of the mansion has returned" the doll like girls state as master enters, the twins helping him sit down.

"It is a lovely night isn't it?" He says as i small breeze passes through. All of us bow as enmu glances at me before copying what I'm doing.

"as you can tell, there is a demon, a lowermoon, who is accompanying the poison hashira" master states as everyone looks up at him.

"I have already granted permission for him to accompany y/n on the agreement that if he hurts a human without her permission she and rengoku will commit seppuko" master exclaims as Mitsuri gasps.

"What?! But rengoku-sama is so strong and handsome!! And y/n-sama is drop dead gorgeous aswell as her amazing fighting abilities!! They can't commit seppuko!!" Mitsuri wails as shinobu rubs her back in a form of comfort.

Master hums in acknowledgement yet doesn't comment anymore, understanding Mitsuri is just upset.

"S-sorry master!" Mitsuri wipes her tears as she bows in apology.

"It's alright my child." Master calms her as enmu stares at Mitsuri blankly before silently chuckling so nobody notices other than me.

I smile at him as he covers his mouth, not letting the others know he was laughing.

"Well, as you all should know, I have already given the poison hashira full permission to look after the uppermoon. All I'm asking Im for you to not be too harsh on them, especially you, Sanemi." The master states as everyone bows and nods before the master leaves.

"Wuahh! Y/n-chaaaan!" mitsuri sobs as she jumps towards me so she's basically laying on my lap with her arms wrapped around my waist. Her head rests on my.. Chest area as she wails.

"I-i don't know what would h-happen of I lose you!!!" mitsuri wails between sobs as I stare at her softly, my hand running through her hair.

"It's alright..." I soothe her as I glance around to see sanemi and gyomei have left.

"I do not mean to come off as rude y/n-ssn, but why would you spare a lower moon in the first place?" shinobu questions as mitsuri contuines to cling to my lap.

"Ah.. Well..." I trail off as I feel another pair of arms wrap themselves around my waist and a head being placed on my shoulder.

I sigh as I glance towards enmu who had his eyes closed as he smiled, head resting peacefully on my shoulder.

I groan as I glare towards him but turn back to shinobu with an annoyed smile plastered on my face as I explain what happened.

-/ a c t 7 - E N D \-

POISONED LOVE • 𝐄𝐍𝐌𝐔 Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon