L o w e r m o o n • a c t 2

441 8 0

*>\^~Y/N POV~^/<*

I let out a quiet yawn as I wake up and look around. I immediately grasp my sword when I see what's going on.

Tanjiro and a female, who I presume is nezuko, are trying to wake up inosuke and zenitsu while rengoku is brutally choking a child. I shrug it off as I start to question tanjiro about what's going on.

"It's a demon! They put us to sleep... cmon nezuko let's go find them!! I smell them above!" Tanjiro snaps while ignoring my existence as he runs off.

I roll my eyes as I follow them and jump onto the top of the train.

"Wah- waaaooohhh-!!!" I yell a I almost fall off the train but catch my self and jump back to the top.

"Damn! I almost died! Aha.." I laugh nervously knowing this probably won't be the only time I barely avoid death

While I may be a hashira who is greatly respected, I'm also known as the most clumsy hashira.

I shake my thoughts off as I look forward and see tanjiro attacking the demon.

"My family would never say those things to me!" He screams as he continues towards the demon, pausing every now and then, almost falling in the process.

"Tanjiro!" I yell at him making him flinch but he still doesn't stop.

"Poison breathing, 7th form, dancing with death" I mumble as I head towards tanjiro and hitting him on the head. I glance towards the demon he was attacking, immediately noticing the kanji in his eye.

"Tanjiro! Never attack a demon, especially a high ranking one, without a higher ups permission when your on a mission with them!" I yell at him with a glare.

"Even if you tried, you can't defeat a lower moon. Your body got fucked up by a high rank demon who wasn't even an lower moon! And you're only still alive from lowermoon 5 because of giyu!" I continue to scold him before putting my attention back to the demon who's been standing there with a blush on his face, weird.

"Just go and protect the others!" I say as I kick tanjiro back towards where everyone else is.

I really don't want to be so mean to him, but it's the only way he'll listen.. I just don't want him dying so young..

I sigh as I take out my sword, sending a glare towards the demon.

"Now let's get this sta- AAAUUH!" I yell as the train shifts which makes me fall right towards the demon.


-/ a c t 2 - E N D \-

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