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Hellooo? hellooooo? OH! hi! its me! Mang0!, with some veryyy interesting headcanons about our favorite youtuber who never posts! OLIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII  

- Oli is a Enderian, a creature of the end, he got this from afterlife!

- He gets confused easily, he believes he is shifting realities although he is forced to stay in empires 

- Along with reality shifting it is believed that he also time traveled, which makes him one of the most interesting cases

- He speaks Minecraft enchantment table(Also known as SGA)

- Oli has wings, His wings are feathery black with some tints of white, suggesting that black is not the enderians wings natural color

- He has been documented to have trust issues, along side abandonment issues, it has not however been documented why he acts like this

- He has also been called 'Clingy' often not leaving people he cares for side, This clinginess often being cased around file 28, also known as 'Pixl'

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 14, 2023 ⏰

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