Part 2

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Felix awoke to find himself alone in his house, relishing the feeling of freedom that he had yet to fully enjoy. Having turned 18 two months earlier, his parents had deemed him responsible enough to live on his own while they tended to their affairs in Australia. Although his sister visited from time to time, she never interfered with his life.

The warm sun streamed through the large windows of his bedroom, prompting Felix to quickly dress, pick up his backpack, and head to the garage to retrieve his luxurious mercedes car.

As he drove down the street, he spotted Changbin and his friends walking towards the school. Changbin walked close to the road. A mischievous grin spread across his face as he saw a puddle of water on the side of the road. He quickly turned the wheel of his car and drove straight through the puddle, sending a spray of water flying towards Changbin.

But as he looked back in the rearview mirror, he realized that Changbin wasn't wet. In fact, he had jumped out of the way, avoiding the water completely. Felix scowled, feeling annoyed that his little prank hadn't worked.

Changbin, Jisung and Chan continued on their way to school, but they couldn't help but talk about Felix. "He's such an asshole," Chan said, his voice filled with disgust.

Jisung nodded in agreement. "I don't understand why he picks on you, Changbin. It's like he's obsessed with you or something."

"I bet he's secretly attracted to you, Changbin," Chan said, nudging him with his elbow.

Changbin rolled his eyes. "Yeah, right. Like that would ever happen."

"But seriously," Jisung said. "He picks on you and only you. Maybe he's just trying to hide his feelings."

Changbin sighed. He didn't want to think about that. He had enough problems to deal with without worrying about Felix's supposed crush on him.

Changbin and his friends came to the school and went in different directions, they were in different classes due to the difference in age, Jisung was 18 years old, Changbin 19 and Chan 20. Changbin spotted Felix walking in the opposite direction. He decided to ignore him as much as possible, not wanting to give him the satisfaction of getting a reaction out of him. 

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