Prologue: Growth Of The Four!

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Most people know of the story of the first superhero team of the universe, the Fantastic Four. Four individuals going on a trip through outer space. However, on their way back home, they were all struck by cosmic radiation. Once they landed back on Earth, each discovered they would gain fantastic powers.

Reed Richards, Mr. Fantastic. Typically the pacifistic scientist that does not like combat, now his body is elastic and stretchy. While he tries to not fight as often as possible, and does his best to use his powers for research, he understands when it is time to talk and time to fight.

Sue Storm, The Invisible Woman. With her ability to turn invisible as well as project invisible forcefields, she was the one that could not only protect herself and her allies, but could also fight with her abilities as well. Though not quite as smart as Reed could be, she was still a very intelligent woman.

Johnny Storm. The Human Torch. The ability to launch as well as manipulate flames, and fly, he may not be the smartest member of the team, but he has constantly proven to be a valuable ally just like the rest.

Ben Grimm, the Thing. A man quite literally made out of rocks, he is physically the strongest member of the team. While smart like that of Susan Storm, he has proven himself to be the valuable muscle of the team.

Together with their combined forces, intelligence, strength and skills, the quadratic team has proven that the name "fantastic Four" is more than just a fancy name slapped together. Facing off against underground beings, country controlling dictators, intergalactic conquerors and even time traveling conquerors, they, along with the many allies they've all worked with in the past, have defeated each and every one of their foes.

In the year 2015, not only were they soon married, but they also had children of their own. Reed and Sue had a daughter, Hannah who had both the powers of both of her parents respectively.

Johnny would marry the Inhuman, Crystal. They would have a boy who could use both of their parents powers as well.

And Ben who also married an Inhuman, Darakosa, who was able to use dark matter in combative ways. Once they got married, they had two children of their own. Tamara and Damian. Damian having the combination of Thing and Darakosa's powers. She can create eco dark crystals to form on her body, like the Thing and use the crystals to make her stronger. Meanwhile, Tamara can use her light eco crystals in a similar fashion. While Damian was a little more quiet and reserved, Tamara was a woman of action and adventure, searching for a way to use her abilities to better the world in ways other than just science.

With these powers, the team made family worked to do research on how their powers worked, and were educated by their own families. Almost never allowed outside unless for rare occasions to protect the children, the Fantastic Four always made sure to protect them from as much harm as possible. Nothing in the world could ever tear them apart.

Until in the year 2022, the team fought against their greatest foe for the final time, Victor Von Doom. In his latest plan to keep his country of Latveria safe, his latest plan was to expand the country by having it take over the rest of the planet. With a powerful nuclear weapon that would take out the world and a protective shield to protect his country, the insane leader of a nation was prepared to be the ruler he felt the world needed. However, the four were prepared to end the battle once and for all. Using their combined might once more, along with Reed Having to let the madman fly off with his nuke, potentially never to be seen again, the team seemed to have finally defeated the doctor once and for all.

With no more villains to fight, the Fantastic Four were finally able to focus on their research and studies with their children. The world no longer needed the Fantastic Four, especially when the Avengers were still assembled and saving the world, as well as the X-Men still being around. While they would not fight villains, on rare occasions they made devices to help heroes defeat them when needed.

Though them hearing about the disappearance of their closest friend, Spider-Man, they were concerned and checked in on the corner wall crawler, they allowed him to be at peace and always welcomed them when needed. After all, he was ane is an unofficial part of the family.

While they knew of Fisk's reign, not one of the family members went after Wilson Fisk, being more concerned about their research than one small time villain. He'd fall in his power some day anyway. As far as they were concerned, there were no villains to worry about....

(Editor's note: here's the first chapter of many of this fantastic story! Hope you'll enjoy! :3)

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 26, 2023 ⏰

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