The Introductions and the beginning

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Snaps fingers and teleports all of the dinos into the room and then turns them human.

James: greetings I have brought you all here and given you the ability to switch between a somewhat human form and your typical one so that you may react to stuff.

Almost immediately most of the dinos look confused while Ripper just growls and charges at you trying to murder you, you just barely jump out of the way before he crashes into you.

James: Do you Have A death wish or something?

After you said that you heard a low growl that sounded like a yes. anyways after explaining that they will be living here for the foreseeable future along with the room arrangements and what they will be doing, you decided now would be as good a time as ever to start.

James: know will be your first truth each of you are to share a secret or if you can't think of one an embarrassing story

E: I once accidentally knocked over a tree on top of myself

Blue/The rest of the raptor pack: we would break out of containment to explore the old park areas

Spino: I once eat a satellite phone and accidentally called a pizza place

Rex: I Have a crush on 2 people.

Indo: I have not gone near large bodies of water since the mosasaurs attacked m.

Zeb: I once was so focused on fighting the Therizinosaurus That I completely missed a hole in the ground and fell into it.

   This gets dark in the next one.

Ripper: When I was falling to my death while fighting blue I purposely got myself impaled cause I wanted to die. I was tired of dealing with all of the scientists and the military people well besides Wu, so I decided to make it s I wouldn't have to feel with it anymore and get angled myself so that I would be impaled through the heart.

everyone looked at him concerned while Indo and E walked up and hugged him as he started crying.

welp that's that send in dares or things for them to react to Ill be doing another chapter tomorrow.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 15, 2023 ⏰

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