Squishy Little Metal Muffin

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After Eddie and Steve made dinner together, they sat down to eat with Wayne. Steve was nervous at first, but Wayne acted like Steve was a part of his family and had always been there. He was friendly and funny, and by the time they were done eating, Steve had relaxed and was laughing at Wayne's jokes, mostly at Eddie's expense, but all in a good natured, loving way. Steve felt a little tug of jealousy at the free and easy way that Wayne and Eddie had with each other. It was something he'd never had with his parents, not even his mother.

When they'd called her from the hospital, she had cried tears of relief to know that Steve was okay. But it had been a hurried conversation because she was afraid his father would come home and catch her talking to Steve. He knew his mother loved him, but her husband always came first. And sometimes that hurt just as much as his father's beatings.

They watched television with Wayne for a while after dinner. And Steve tensed up again when Eddie perched himself on Steve's lap on the couch. But Wayne didn't seem to care. He didn't say a word about it or even look at them weird. He just accepted that Eddie and his boyfriend were cuddling on the couch. And when Eddie tilted his head back and kissed Steve, Wayne just smiled.

Steve tried to relax and just be comfortable. And he did, a little. But Eddie was right. It would take him a while to be fully comfortable with his new life. So he just did the best he could. He wrapped his arms around Eddie on his lap. Eddie had been right about that too. He was clingy. But Steve kind of liked it. Eventually he started to doze off and Eddie kissed him again.

"You ready for bed, sweetheart?" Steve nodded. He was tired and he did want to go to school the next day. Missing some assignments was one thing, but he didn't want to miss two tests. "Wayne, we're going to bed."

"Okay," he answered as Eddie and Steve stood up. "Can I have a word with you?"

"Go ahead," Eddie told Steve with a quick peck on the cheek. "I'll be right there." Steve started towards the bedroom.

"Good night, son," Wayne called out.

Steve smiled. "Good night," Steve replied and disappeared into the bedroom.

"What's up," Eddie asked when the bedroom door was closed behind Steve.

"I don't know how to say this, so I'm just going to spit it out." Eddie nodded solemnly. "I don't know how serious things are between the two of you, physically I mean." Eddie held back a smile at the nervous tone in Wayne's voice. "I mean, I know you've been together. Before. But now. I don't know what's going on between you."

"Stop before you hurt yourself," Eddie laughed. "Are we having sex? That's what you're asking me?" Wayne just nodded. "That's where we're headed most likely. Obviously not right now, not after what he's just been through."

"I was thinking that maybe Saturday night, instead of Liz coming over here, I could spend the night at her place." Eddie grinned broadly. "He's over eighteen, isn't he?"

"Uhm, he will be in a few weeks."


"Don't blow a gasket." Wayne just shook his head. "Thanks. For Saturday night, I mean." Eddie leaned down and dropped a kiss on top of Wayne's head.

"Good night, son."

"Good night." Eddie went into the bedroom and Steve was pacing nervously while he waited for him. He looked up anxiously when Eddie came in and closed and locked the door behind him. "You okay?"

"Yeah," Steve sighed. "What did he say?"

"Oh, shit," Eddie said as he put an arm around Steve. "Relax. It was nothing. He just told me he's going to spend the night at his girlfriend's place Saturday. That way we can be alone together."

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