"How are you doing, Lei?" He asked, smiling and he was making her uncomfortable.

"I-I am doing f-fine." She replied, as she took small steps backwards, and every time she did it, he inched forward.

"Are you busy after work or right now?" There's something about Deon's smiles that makes her feel knots in her stomach and not in a good way. He creeps her out.

"Y-yes." She answered him truthfully. The truth is she's very busy right now and maybe later, too. His facial demeanor changed. "W-we are having a presentation in a few moments... I ahh... I have to go, Deon." She quickly announces. She was about to turn away when he grabbed her by the wrist. It was not tight but still, it's inappropriate and it really scares her.

"Leaving so soon? I am still talking to you." He growled. She swallowed a lump, trying to compose herself and her mind.

"I-I know you are still t-talking to me but I... I have a presentation to attend to." She was trying to be tough but her chest was pumping so hard she was experiencing shortness of breath.

"A-and if y-you don't let go of me right now, M-mrs. Richard will hear about this." It was really hard to be tough when fear got the best of a person and it is getting the best and worst of her. Her mind is about to go blank in panic. A few more scary attempts from Deon and she will pass out.

"Let's have lunch then. Tomorrow maybe?" He loosened his grip on her wrist but did not completely let her go.

"She won't be having lunch with you tomorrow or anytime." They both turned to where the voice came from. Perfect! Her mind screams in victory and gladness.

There stood a tall, handsome, arrogant man that if this was just some regular time, her day would be ruined seeing him. But it is not, it is the time to be thankful for this savior.

"Allen?" She was so happy to see him right now. His timing is PERFECT.

She quickly tugged herself from Deon's grasp and moved to Allen's side in one stride, almost hiding behind him.

"M-mr. P-porter." Deon wasn't able to do anything when Leila got off his grip. She saw him briskly distanced himself from them.

"If you want to keep the only job you could ever have, you will not bother or pester Ms. Bautista ever again." Cold, flat, almost frozen voice came out of this man's mouth. It gives her a cold shiver. But she couldn't be happier to hear his haughtiness right now. Oh, the joy! She thought.

"Y-yes, sir." Deon stuttered. He bowed and turned away but was abruptly stopped by Allen.

"One more thing." Allen called out, Deon slowly and cautiously turned around, looking down. "You will be watched. You hear me?" Leila took a deep breath, feeling fearful for Deon, she lightly tugged on Allen's long sleeve getting his attention.

"Let's go, Allen." She encouraged him.

"First name basis?" Deon voiced out, and a scary smirk formed on this man's lips. She felt a warm-cold shiver down her spine and followed by an eerie goosebumps. She is totally fearful for the first time in her life and in her own town? Ridiculous.

"Am I clear, Mr..." There he goes again with his cold and scary way of talking.

"His name is Deon." She chimed in. "Can we go now?" Tugging on Allen's sleeve a bit harder.

"Am I clear, Mr. Deon?!" Allen sternly repeated, colder than before. Frozen cold, she felt it down her spine and gave her another whip of goosebumps.

"Y-yes, Sir." Deon replied, stuttering but firmly, tightening his jaw, bowing his head to them but gave her a creepy stare before leaving.

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