the call

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Ladybird: So hunny, what is the plan anyway

Humdinger: Well, the main reason we keep losing is because of the pups' shear numbers, correct

Duke: I guess it sorta is what's your point

Humdinger: Well, if we can force them to split up, it'll be easier to take them out

Cheetah: ok, but what about that new thingy majig they unlocked through always using their powers these days

Nibbles: meh Meh meh meh "grabs a piece of meteor." Don't worry about that. I'll handle the 3 that have mastered that ability. Their not the only ones who found a way to go beyond the charged up state

Herald: All right, I'm back. uhg, it's disgusting that you have a kid now, Uncle mayor

Humdinger: yeah yeah come on, I have something I need to show you

About a mile away from his base

Herald: What's this thing you want to show me anyway

Humdinger: it's how we're going to deal with the secret weapon of those pups

Herald: What you mean, Ryder's powers, no one even knows what that is not even the pups

Humdinger: Yes, but that's why we need to be ready for anything, and for that, we need your powers

Herald: What another robot the pups have beaten so many is it even worth it

Humdinger: Oh, but this won't be one of those puny robots you made before. It'll be the biggest robot the world has ever seen

Herald: You do realize we'd need an absurd amount of materials for that right

Humdinger: Well, remember how the construction kitty wasn't surprised by the news "opens the gate"

Herald: wooh, there's so much stuff here. How

Humdinger: from all our previous failed missions, you've got all 3 of your robots the 5 hum mobiles your ice cream popcorn machine y even though it makes no sense your clowning machine the copycats mighty tower of mightyness and most important of all, what remains of Humdinger hights

Herald: All right, I can work with this

In Adventure Bay

Chase: Hey Everest, hey Tracker, hey, Liberty, nice of you to finally come

Liberty: Well, the mighty twins agreed to watch Adventure City for a while, so I figured come to visit

Everest: So what games are you guys playing

Chase: Well, Skye and Zuma are inside having a pup pup boogie rematch. Rubble and Marshall are playing tug of war and me and Rocky and I are about to start playing tag

Liberty: ooh I'm gonna go play pup, pup boogie

Tracker: I call the winner on tug of war

Everest: mind if I join you and Rocky

Chase: What don't you wanna play with your boyfriend

Everest: hey your not playing with Skye either

Chase: Yeah, but I know there'd be no point. Those 2 are way above me

Everest: Well, me and Marshall had I fight last time I was here, and I'm still kinda angry with him

Chase: Well then, sure, you can play with me and Rocky

Up in the lookout

Ryder: Hehe, it seems their having fun

His pup pad rings

Ryder: Ryder here what's the...

Goodway: Ryder, hurry, it's an emergency. I don't know how, but the copycat and kitastrophe crew have their powers back and along with the Cheetah are destroying Adventure Bay

Ryder: Oh no, that's terrible. we'll be  hold on mayor. I'm getting another call

Kendra: Ryder help Adventure City I'd under attack by a giant robot, the mighty twins have already fallen, tuck got squeshed during the fight

Ryder: Oh no, that's horrible. we'll be "another call" jeez, just how many attacks are happening today

Princess: Ryder, you must hurry the Duke, a gigantic John Claude and a bird lady

Ladybird: That's Ladybird

Princess: Whatever, their attacking the castle, Claw and Sweetie are holding them off, but I don't know how long they can last

Ryder: This is bad a 3-way attack. Don't worry, guys, no invasion is too big, No pup is too small. "Hang up," mighty pups to the lookout immediately

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